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Ella awoke in a dark room, her head pounding, sweat dripping down her face. She desperately tried to return to sleep because she knew that staying awake would only bring on several more hours of torture and she had already endured so much.
"There she is, there's my sunshine, had a nice rest?" Bryce asked in a cheery voice as he entered he room holding a tray with many different tools on it.
"Get the hell away from me," Ella stated as she pulled at the restraints. She was laying, her limbs spread in an x position, leaving every spot vulnerable.
"Tsk, tsk, still not broken I see, well more fun for me I suppose," Bryce yawned. "I'd prefer to break you before your little friends come along, it'll make it easier on me."
"Ha, as if you could take them," Ella said. Bryce let out a breath before picking a feather off the tray.
"The more you run your mouth, the more tempting it is to tickle you until your skin is raw," Bryce said and dragged the feather around on her belly. Ella struggles slightly, but refused to give him the satisfaction of her laughter.
"You say that as if I'm weak, believe me, I'm stronger than you'll ever be," She said, attempting to pull her arms down.
"My dear, I hate to break it to you, but you're the one tied up here, and you aren't getting out anytime soon," Bryce said with fake sympathy as he poured baby oil on her skin and began to rub it in all over the place.
"Mhmm, my friends will be here before you know it," Ella said.
"That's the plan, they should be minutes away, and when they hear your cries of mercy they will come rushing to your rescue, but then that little Amber girl will be mine," Bryce laughed as he started to move his wiggling fingers closer to her skin.

Amber gripped onto Matt's arm as they ventured into the forest. There group was following closely behind Lucas who had taken charge. It felt like they had been walking aimlessly for hours, but Lucas said he knew exactly where they were. Doubtful.
Until I heard a high pitched scream coming from the right, the laughter that followed only confirmed my guess. It was Ella. As much as I wanted to run towards her, Matt held me close.
"We can't make any stupid decisions, if any of us get caught, it'll be a really bad day," Matt said.
"What else are we supposed to do?" I ask.
"We run in, knock him out, and then leave faster than we came, with everyone," Lucas says.
Sydney pulled me off to the side, "I have a really bad feeling about this."
"It's fine, I'll make sure you get out of there," I replied softly.
"I'm not worried about me, something about this whole situation feels like they are trying to get you," Sydney says, "Your best friend."
"They can't catch me," I say and Syndey grabs into my forearm.
"Just be careful, please," She said lightly.
"I promise," I replied as we approached the house.
I could hear her clearly, she was begging, sounding as if she was broken. Anger rose inside of me, and sure enough as soon as Lucas gave the signal, we knocked the door down. Bryce simply turned towards us.
"Well, I was wondering how long it would take you," He said and then smiled.
"It's six against one Bryce, give it up," Lucas sighed.
"Oh, but it isn't," Bryce said and with a snap of his fingers people dressed in all black appeared behind each of us, doubling our number. My heart began to race.
"Now although taking all of you would be such a treat, I only want the girl," He said.
"What girl?" Matt asked angrily.
He pointed his finger up and looked around the circle of people until his eyes landed on me and he pointed at me, "I want Amber."
My heart sunk and my head began to pound.
"I'm afraid you can't have her," Lucas snarled.
"Well my friend, I'm afraid you don't have a choice, hand her over, or we will fight you and take her," Bryce said and snapped, "Prepare her."
A blindfold was tied around my eyes and many sets of hands secured my limbs. I heard locks being undone and Ella groaning. I heard a yell from Sydney.
"You can't have her!"
"Let her go!" I believe Dani yelled, but one voice rose above the rest.
"Take her, she's worth nothing to me."
I was so busy processing the words, I didn't even notice who said it but then Bryce responded,
"I knew you would comply."
Before yells of protest began to rise, a cloth was held up to my mouth and nose and I fell into a trance, and I sunk deeper into the black hole that had already consumed me.

Authors Note:
DUN DUN DUN! Haha, make suggestions, I have several things in mind, but what do you want next?

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