Jealous Much?

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"Walking around, why?" I asked Lucas.
"I heard you met... Matt," He says clenching his jaw.
"Yeah, nice guy, cool story," I reply.
"Amber," Lucas said in a serious tone.
"What?" I asked looking at him.
"I heard that it was a little more than a nice conversation," Lucas said glaring at me.
At that very given moment, I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.
"Oh my gosh, jealous much?" I asked while laughing and he looked down, "Wow, you really are, what happened to Mr. Love Everything."
"Stop," Lucas said.
"Or what? You're going to tickle me? It won't make a difference," I said still giggling.
He sighed, "You know what, I'm going to go." He said and before I could respond he walked out the door and shut it behind him.
"FINE I'LL GO HANG OUT WITH MATT!" I yell after he slams the door.
Chelsie and Stella are no where to be found. So I wait a few minutes before I go out walking again. I make sure to walk the opposite way Lucas did, I don't want to deal with THAT right now... I end up at the mall game place or whatever the heck it is.
It's time to try something new, that doesn't involve me getting tickled to death!
Haha, like that's going to happen.
But I manage to stumble my way to a trampoline park and I smile. I mean, it looks fun. I "check in" or whatever and then walk over to the nearest area and it is covered in trampolines. There are quite a few other people, with groups of friends. I almost get jealous at how much fun they are having. I start to jump awkwardly by myself, glancing over to the people again, when I suddenly land wrong and go flying backwards on the next bounce. I smack straight into a girl and I fall on top of her.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say getting up quickly, "Are you okay?"
"Haha, I'm good, just surprised me there," The girl laughs.
"Let me help you up," I say reaching my hand out. She grabs my hand and I see a mischievous look cross her features. She suddenly yanks my arm and I come crashing down next to her. I lay there for a second before we both start laughing.
"I guess I deserved that," I laughed. A sudden bounce interrupted our laugh feat. We both fell backwards.
"Matt!" I yelled as he cheekily jumped past us.
I got up.
"So, my names Amber," I said smiling.
"Danielle," The younger girl responded, "Race you to the end!"
With that she bounced past, and I smiled before I began racing after her. We were pretty even when another bounce threw us off our pace.
"MATT!" This times we both yelled.
"Yeah Matt, go away whoever you are," Danielle said, putting her hands on her hips before laughing.
"FOUND HER!" Stella's voice rang out and I saw her across the room from me.
"Shoot, run Dani!" I yell as I start furiously jumping across the trampolines into another area.
"Cannonball!" Danielle shouts before knocking me to the ground by jumping on me.
"You little brat!" I laugh as she rolls off of me. She shoves me playfully. I shove her back.
"Oh, you're asking for it," She calls out before wrestling me to the ground. I fight back and manage to push her off of me before jumping on top of her. Yet she is stronger as she pins me again, but I still wiggle around in her grip.
"Gotcha!" She yells and I roll my eyes.
"Stop being such a child," I tease and she sticks her younger out.
"Please, I bet we're the same age," She replies, tightening her grip on me.
"Mhmm, sure, how old are you?" I ask.
"How old are you?" She asks back.
"14, beat that." I say.
"Ugh, 13," She says back frowning.
"Haha! You're just a baby!" I laugh.
"Oh shut up," She growls.
"Hey Amber," I look up and see Stella.
"What now?" I ask, still struggling in Danielle's grip. Stella just rolls her eyes at me, before she turns her attention to Danielle.
"Amber's super ticklish," She says plainly.
"Why would you tell her that!?" I yell out.
"Oh yeah, I knew there had to be some way to push your buttons, I should've known," Danielle teased.
"Well, I'm here to help if needed," Stella says.
"Nah, I think I'll have to have a go at it on my own," Danielle said, giving my side a quick pinch and I let out a small squeak as I tried to get away.
"You know, fun time, but I should head... somewhere else," I say lightly.
"Nah, I think you're going to stay right here with me," Danielle said as she start softly tickling me side.
"Please hahaha, don't," I say giggling.
"What was that?" Danielle teased before going full out and started tickling my stomach, letting go of me.
"HAHAHAHA STOP HAHA!" I yelled as I writhed around on the floor, trying to escape her.
"Stella wasn't kidding," Danielle smiled.
"Oh keep going, you haven't even found the stop yet," Stella said, sitting and watching us.
"STELLA HAHAHA!" I yell reaching out to her. She grabbed onto my arms.
"Here's a hint Danielle," She said as she held my arms over my head.
"NOHAHAHA PLEASE HAHAHA DON'T HAHAHAHA STOP!" I yell as she start to make her way up.
"I wasn't planning on stopping quite yet," Danielle teased.
"NOHAHAHA I MEANT," I couldn't yell anymore, laughing was the only thing that came out as she came up and tickled my armpits.
"HAHAHAHAHA!" I laughed and kicked my legs out as Dani giggled in pure happiness as she had definitely found the spot. Stella finally let go of my arms, but I continued to laugh, not even realizing she let go until I tried to pull my arms down. I quickly turned onto my stomach, pulling my arms under me.
"Oh, like that going to do anything," Dani laughed, going back to my sides and I giggled through clenched teeth.
"Dani hehehee! Stop!" I tried to sound serious but the giggling made it impossible.
"Okay, I wanna get in on this," Stella said, pushing Danielle away from me and taking her place.
"Hey! No fair!" Dani yelled before shoving Stella off and jumping on her.
"Yeah haha, get her!" I yelled before jumping up and running across the trampoline, but a hand soon grabbed me around the waist.
"Hey hahaha!" I yelled as the person pulled me aside, "Matt!"
"That's me," He said smiling, "I couldn't help but watch..."
"Oh no, really?" I asked, covering my red face.
"You're adorable," He said in such a quiet whisper I could hardly hear it.
"Aw, you're so sweet-" I started to say but my eyes looked towards someone a few feet away. Lucas stood, his fist clenched and fiery eyes.
"Amber!" He called, almost aggressively.
"Hey, this is my new friend Matt!" I called back, "I think you guys have already met."
"Hey Lucas!" Matt said happily and waved.
"He's such a sweet guy, I mean we've had a great time together, he showed me around a bit," I rambled on.
"Amber." Lucas demanded and I quieted down, "Come here."
"Um, I think I'll pass," I responded taking a few steps back. He just gave me the look, his mean demeanor quickly switching.
"Amber," He teased.
"Uh, gotta go!" I giggled quickly before running away.
"Come back here! I swear I'm going to tickle you worse than its ever been!" Lucas called chasing after me.
"Can't catch me!" I yelled back gleefully.

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