Lazer Tag?

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As the day continued, Stella and Amber continued on with Lucas and Chelsie. It started as a walk through a forest and ended up in yet another society in the land of fairies. Who new such a civilized place would wind up in another dimension. A mall stood rose up in the middle of a small village they had come upon. It looked normal, and different all at the same time.
"So... Where are we?" Stella asked staring at the building.
"The mall." Chelsie answered, simply.
"Yeah, I noticed, but what kind of mall is this?" Stella asked.
"There isn't anything that's going to hurt you." Lucas said, rolling his eyes.
"The more you don't tell me, the more suspicious this becomes." Stella said.
"You know, who cares, I'm not scared of a silly old mall." Amber said stepping in front and Chelsie giggled.
"Alright, I might as well tell you now. This kind of mall is different than ones in the normal world. Instead of shopping for clothes and eating food, it's more based around games... So it is more like a game land." Chelsie explains.
"Ooooo, sounds fun, is there laser tag?" Amber asked with a sarcastic tone.
"Actually, there is, and we should play that first." Chelsie says as she walks over to a particular entrance. "A very... special kind."
"What, if they shoot you, you get tickled to death?" Amber asks, rolling her eyes.
They walk inside and up to a desk, Lucas stepping out to talk to the person. Amber decides to listen in on the conversation.
"Yeah, we got 2 guests from the outside, but they have proven to be more cooperative than others, and in fact they fit in perfectly. I wonder if there is a way that we could keep them here." Lucas says.
"Getting quite attached, are you?" The man says glancing over to the girls and Amber quickly looks away.
"What can I say, I met an amazing girl...." Lucas says staring at the ground before looking back up. "So when's the next round?"
"It's in 10 minutes, lucky for you, we have quite a few open spots." The man says, tapping on his computer.
"How many players?" Lucas asks, leaning onto the chair, peering onto the mans computer screen.
"30, and it's every man for himself, so intermediate to hard players. It's also an hour long, unlimited lives, you sure you want to throw a few beginners in there?" The man asks.
"They're tough, put us in." Lucas says before walking over to the girls. "We're on in 10"
"Anything we need to know?" Amber asked.
"Well, have you played laser tag before?" Lucas asked.
"Yes." Amber and Stella answered.
"Then you'll be fine, let's suit up." Lucas says.
As the girls were suiting up, they realized something odd. There were certain targets all over, but in odd areas, on the stomach, sides, legs, and even on the neck and armpits. Amber turned and looked at Chelsie and Lucas, a plain look on her face.
"There is just nothing normal here, is there?" Amber asks.
"This is normal, and calm down, this version of laser tag is way more fun." Chelsie says, giving her side a quick pinch.
"Why is Amber being so... moody?" Chelsie asks Stella.
"It happens, she gets in these strange moods, but if you make her laugh, she snaps out of it real quick.
A few moments later...
As they enter into the dark, large arena they are given 30 seconds to run/spread out before the laser guns start to work. Amber immediately goes running up a ramp to the upper level, finding a shelled ledge that she can look and shoot over. She watches as dozens of other people run by. Stella also ventures out on her own. Chelsie and Lucas however, stick together, obviously strategizing since they had played many times before.

I peered cautiously over the ledge as the alarm sounded, signaling that the game had just begun. She saw a girl scurry by and quickly aimed and fired, hitting her right side. Immediately, she tripped and nearly fell as she began to giggle. The noise attracted others, and she was then shot in several different areas, she fell as laughter began to take over and crawled to an area to take cover as the tickling effects began to wear off.
I couldn't help but be slightly concerned about how I would react if I had that many people shoot me at once. I decided to move as well as other people did, mostly jogging by in groups. I spirited down my ramp and started going up another one, when I smacked, full force into Stella. We both fell backwards, and groaned.
"Team?" Stella said helping me up.
"Definitely." I say and begin to follow her.
I see Chelsie from a distance and aim for the small patch near her armpit, I shoot twice before it finally hits and she giggles but quickly slaps a hand over her mouth as she ducks down. Lucas then whips around to see where it had come from. To my luck, before I can hide, he locks eyes with me and a smirk comes over his face and he holds his laser gun up.
"Stella, I am dead." I say as he starts to run over. We quickly both start to run, but he begins to gain on us.
"Shoot, you are dead. Good luck." Stella says as she begins to sprint away from me. I roll my eyes before shooting her side and armpit.
"Sorry it had to be this way." I say as she begins to fall over as she laughs, and I pass her, hearing her laugh louder as more people hit her.
I avoid people for the next 10 minutes, to my luck. Unfortunately, my luck runs out, as I run across the floor I trip over nothing and face plant. Cursing at my stupid clumsiness, I start to get up, when I am met with the barrel of a laser gun, accompanied with Chelsie's smiling face. She quickly shoots my stomach and I began giggling. I am still able to get up and start running, but she then also shoots one of the back of my knee. Another person shoots my side and I can't help but start to fall over.
"Shoot, no hahaha." I laugh as I try to shake the one off my leg, obviously failing. Suddenly Lucas comes out and shoots the one at my left armpit and another person shoots my right. I began hysterically laughing as eventually all my spots are hit and I am left to writhe on the floor, belting out laughter.
Stella also appears, but her, Chelsie, and Lucas don't leave. They stay. Continually hitting my spots.
"I HATE YOU! AHAHAHAHAH!" I yell out as the tickling sensations seem t get worse each time, and I fail around on the ground. I finally just lay there and left, thinking that I have finally met my fate. I continue to laugh, trying to quiet myself, but can't and tears start to stream down my face. I must look like a disaster, laughing hysterically with a giant smile on my face, while rolling on the floor, and crying with joy.
When the round finally ends, after what seems like forever. I sit, completely out of breath and stare up at Stella.
"You were in a mood, we had to force it out of you." She says.
I can't help but smile at her.
"Thank you, I think I needed that." I say as I begin to stand up and she hugs me. I also hug Chelsie.
"Sorry for shooting you the first time." I say.
"That was you!?" She asks, "Oh you're going to pay for that one."
I then look at Lucas.
"Yeah, you don't deserve anything." I say, rolling my eyes playfully.
"I know." He says as I turn around, but I squeak as he suddenly picks my up and throws me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I yell as I giggle.
"Unfortunately, I don't listen to you." He says as he continues to walk and I continue to giggle.

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