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Credits: All canon characters, places, etc in this story belongs to J.K Rowling.

NOTE: The story line is very different from the original so I can say the plot is entirely mine. Do not leave rude comments about how I write please for it will truly abuse my self-esteem.


"Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die.'"

Voldemort raised his wand and pointed it towards Harry. The tension was undeniably choking everyone at the scene. Hagrid shook his head side to side furiously as tears welled up in his eyes. "Harry, no.." he whispered. Voldemort's lips twitched into a wretched smile. "I've waited so long for this day to arrive, Potter." Voldemort's eyes flickered a shade of red as his fingers fiddled with his wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry's firm body fell limply onto the ground and birds flew as Hagrid yelled for the life of his best friend.


At the brink of death, everyone hopes they'll be given a choice whether or not they are ready to leave the world and move on to the afterlife. However, things simply don't work that way. But in his case, Potter was given a choice. To live or to die. If everyone was there, looking at him with their teary eyes, hell, he would've chosen to live. However he was alone. Alone with his thoughts. It was like a part of him felt pity for his people that he would be leaving behind if he chose to die. But another part of him felt the need to be free. Free from the heavy weight he has been carrying since the day his parents died. The burden of being the Chosen One.

"I choose death."

The ground shook violently as everything started to shatter. Right before his soul left, Potter saw Dumbledore's head, shaking in disagreement. At that moment, he regretted his decision but it was too late. And suddenly, everything was swallowed up by the cold deadly darkness.


"Harry Potter is dead!'" Voldemort exclaimed with a cunning grin. Ginny's scream rang everyone's ears. Tears were filling everyone's eyes except for a lot of the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. Though they tried to conceal it, it was bloody obvious that the Malfoys were shaken by the news.

"He can't be.." Hermione sobbed "He just can't be dead...". Ron was also holding in his tears as his arms wrapped around Hermione to keep her from falling to the ground.

It was clearly true. Potter's body didn't show the slightest life at all. Pale. Stiff. Dead. At that point, everyone was ready to give up and surrender to the Dark Lord. Neville suddenly raised his wand and pointed it towards one of the Death Eaters and yelled a curse. Shortly after that, everyone followed. Various colored lights soaring in the air, targeting both the people of the light and the dark side. Hands, trembling with no sign of stopping. Parvati cried beside the lifeless body of her best friend, Lavender. Dean cried next to Seamus. Astoria cried next to her sister Daphne. Percy cried next to his fiancée Penelope. But Harry's dead body was left alone on the hall grounds. Hell, Voldemort might have even accidentally kicked his head while muttering spells here and there. A minute felt like an hour. An hour felt like a day. Like it happened in slow motion, the war continued for almost three hours.

Meanwhile at the other end of the battle field, Hermione froze in her steps as she stared down at the terrifying monster before her. Voldemort's snake, and the very last horcrux, Nagini. She tried everything that she could to destroy the snake, but all her attempts failed miserably. She slowly reversed backwards until her body touched the wall. No hope was all she thought of as Nagini slid closer and closer towards her.

Realizing that she was only a mere few seconds away from her death, she prayed for the health of her parents and closed her eyes, ready to be devoured by the giant snake.

"ARGHH!" a man groaned. Hermione felt blood splashing to her face, yet she didn't felt the slightest pain at all. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Nagini's head, sitting at the end of her foot while its body was laying a meter away from her. Next to the snake's body, was a man, a man who Hermione was very familiar with, the man who just saved her life and perhaps might save everyone's life for he had just beheaded Nagini with tne Godric Gryffindor's Sword.

Ron Weasley panted, longing for fresh air, which is impossible for the air streaked of dried blood and corpses. The sword still in his hands as tears streamed down his tired face. "Ron.. Ron you've- Voldemort is mortal! Nagini is dead! Voldemort is now mortal!" Ron looked up and smiled weakly at Hermione.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light went straight towards Ron's chest and blasted him to the wall. Hermione trembled in shock. She looked in front of her and there stood Bellatrix Lestrange, a woman she hated so much, she wouldn't mind using the Cruciatus Curse a thousand times on her.


Bellatrix's scream filled the Great Hall making everyone stare at the source of it. Hermione glared at everyone around her before she kicked Bellatrix's dead body one last time. Then, she ran towards Ron and hugged his now lifeless body.

"Oh Ron, you can't leave me too... Harry's gone, you can't just leave me alone-" Hermione sobbed. Her future flashed before her eyes as she sniffed in that sweet orange scent in his hair. She chuckled as she wondered how the smell can still last at a situation like the war itself. Hermione stopped crying when she realized that everyone had stopped throwing curses at each other. Slowly, the people formed a circle in the middle of the Great Hall.

With one small peck on the cheek, Hermione left Ron's body alone and walked towards the circle. What she saw, surprised her like she had never been surprised of before.

As Voldemort and Neville began to circle each other, silence fell abruptly. "Did you really think that Harry is the only one who could kill you? Hah! You're a bloody idiot for thinking so. Hear me out Voldemud , don't ever think you're undefeatable! Because today, not too long from now, you'll be as good as dead!" Neville spat. Voldemort found it amusing how such a weak boy dare to speak so to the lord. The humor caused him to laugh wickedly. "Me? Dead? HAHAHAHAHA! Your jokes are quite good Mr Longbottom, but i'm afraid... people won't be hearing any of it anymore- AVADA KEDAVRA!"

At the exact moment Voldemort exclaimed the curse, Neville yelled the very same curse making the lights from both of their wands to collide. The collision caused a huge explosion, sending most of the people standing in the circle backwards and onto their bottoms. The air was filled with smoke and nobody could see anything nor could they hear a sound.

After what seemed like forever, the smoke started to fade and the view was clear again. Hermione stared nervously in front of her and gasped at what was before her, and everyone else did the same.

What lies in front of them was, the dead body of the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort and the REAL chosen one, Neville Longbottom.

That day, marked the most heartbreaking tragedy ever, where many innocent lives were taken just by a swish of a wand. It was the end of all the dark fears for those on the light side. That day was the day everyone cried for their selves, the day fellow Death Eaters felt genuinely scared for their lives, the day,

Lord Voldemort died

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