Chapter 11

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Days felt like minutes, weeks felt like hours and months felt like days. It was finally spring again where the flower blooms, bringing joy to suckers for nature. Specifically, Hermione.

Tom hated spring though. Too colourful for his taste as quoted by him.

In a house near Branbury Road, a couple were having their first drastic argument. Unlike the other petty arguments they've had before, this one actually brought tears to Hermione's eyes and also cracked her voice as she tried to defend her statement.

"We can't move! Okay?! If you want to move, then move. But my arse is staying in this house til the day the life gets suck out of me." Hermione spat. "You've lived in this musty old house for years, aren't you sick of it already? The new house I surveyed is far better than this, I swear." Tom calmly fought back. "This house has a significant meaning to me, can't you see? I can't leave. Not now, not ever." Tom groaned and stomped his foot on the ground. "Woman! This house is hideous! Dark carpets, small space, all those pictures hung around here and there. THEY'RE BLOODY UGLY MIONE! The new house would be better for the both of us." Hermione shot the man across her daggers as she gathered all her energy to her hands. One swift movement and smack. Hermione slapped him. "How dare you call the pictures I hung ugly. They're my only family! The only ones I've ever-" she lost her voice for a moment, more tears streaming down her face. "-ever loved. They were my life before you came along. They still are though but it doesn't seem like you are anymore." This time, Tom slapped her. Hard.

"You pathetic bitch. You have no one else, don't you see? I'm all you've got left. That excuse of a friend you have there-" Tom said, pointing at a picture of Daisy and Hermione, "-has her own life. Without you in it. Idiot."

Hermione sobbed harder as he was choking her by grabbing the collar of her shirt, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"Who are you?" Hermione muttered as her hands forced herself out of his grab. "I'm the only man you love, of course." Tom answered with a proud look on his face. He released her from his grip and left to the kitchen.

"Want a drink babe? That must've been tiring for you." Tom exclaimed and guffawed at the end of his sentence. Hermione shook her head as she sat on the floor, her back leaned onto the wall. Who are you? she thought again.

Later that night, Hermione chose to sleep in her own room.

Just as she thought she was finally at peace, three knocks came from the door.

"What do you want Tom?" she asked. "Let me in, please." he said softly. Hermione tried to resist but she couldn't. She simply couldn't.

Tom walked in with a tray of food and a glass of still water. "You haven't had dinner yet. Made this for you. Eat up, kochanie or you'll get sick." Tom placed the tray down next to Hermione before taking a seat beside her on the bed. Hermione looked at his face.

It's the real Tom she smiled. Tom responded to her smile with a peck on her cheek.

"Eat up, now." he ordered again while patting her back gently. Hermione shook her head with a weak smile. "I feel fatigued, love. Sorry. I'm just not hungry at the moment." Tom sighed and got up off the bed. He looked into her eyes while his hands held the tray.


All the food and broken glass were scattered on Hermione's bedroom floor.

"The fuck Tom? What the hell is wrong with you?!" Hermione yelled, getting up off the bed too. They stood facing each other, Tom clearly angry and Hermione, annoyed.

He slapped her, harder than he did earlier that evening. Hermione heard him moan after he slapped her, again.

Hermione backed away from him. "You're crazy!" she hissed. Tom laughed at her remark. He took small steps closer and closer towards her which made her reverse further and further behind.

"Oww!" Hermione winced after she accidentally stepped on a broken glass. Tom flinched at her wince and as if he was shook out of a trance, he panicked. "Oh god, Mione. Sit on the bed." he told her. Hermione refused. "Sit down Mione, you're going to hurt yourself more if you don't." Hermione shook her head again. "I SAID SIT THE HELL DOWN, WOMAN!" Hermione sobbed and followed his order. Tom sat next to her and pulled her leg up to his lap. "Oh no, there's blood all over your feet." he said as he used a spell to clean up the blood. He also used another spell to stitch up her cut.

"There. Doesn't that feel better? Y'know Mione, sometimes all you have to do is just follow what people tell you to do. If I ask you to eat, then eat you shall okay?" Tom caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Though Hermione was still shook by what happened, she still spoke for her own sake. "I wasn't hungry." she firmly stated. Tom shook his head again and again.

"Mione, Mione, Mione. I took the audacity of my free time to cook a lovely meal for you when I have yet eaten myself for it is you who should be cooking. I even wasted my energy to bring it up to you in your room and YOU REJECTED IT, YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD." He pushed her head to the wall hard which made her scream in pain. He covered her mouth with his palm. "What the hell is wrong with you Tom?!" she bit the skin between his thumb and his index finger. Tom cursed and sucked on the area she bit.

Tom pointed his wand at her but slowly brought it to her thighs. "So thick, so beautiful." his hands glide up and down her thighs repetitively. Suddenly, Hermione screamed again, this time louder as Tom's wand slit her thighs, making a deep cut as long as six or seven centimeters.

"You dare speak of anyone about this, you'll never see your best friend Oxley ever again." Tom warned.

"I love you Mione." he said as he smashed his lips on hers. Hermione tried to push him away, resisting his kiss but ended up giving in anyway. He pulled away with a small smirk. "I know you love me too you sexy thing." Tom winked and ran a finger on her bloody thighs. He sucked on his finger that was smudged with Hermione's blood.

"As sweet as her face." he chuckled and left the room.

That was the day, Hermione's life turned upside down.

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