Chapter 8

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Exactly a month after their first date, Tom asked Hermione to be his girlfriend. The event occured in their kitchen at home. It was a simple proposal yet the best Hermione has ever had.

Months passed quickly, love was in the air. Now, snow was falling from the sky, telling everyone Christmas is near.

"Why do we even bother with this? It's not like there's anyone coming." Hermione said while pushing the trolley. "Live a little Mione. Won't hurt to have a few Christmas decorations here and there." Tom said as he placed a bag of ornaments into the trolley. "We don't even have a tree!" Hermione exclaimed with her hands in the air. "I'll handle that later."

"Let's see... Lights, check. Ornaments, check. Tinsels, check. Garlands, check. Stockings, check. Scented candles, check. That should be right enough. Wouldn't want to spend too much on this." Tom said as he pushed the trolley to the counter to pay. "I don't know if you're blind or really just stupid but we're already wasting money. I could just cook that night and it'd still be Christmas without the decorations!" Hermione stated. Tom smirked at her and brushed his finger on her nose. "You're cute.' He said. Hermione poked his chest with a finger. "You're pathetic." Tom gasped and acted like he was devastated which made Hermione laugh a little. "Kochanie." He whispered as he kissed her forehead.


"This was a great idea! Our tree looks adorable!" Hermione chirped while staring at the tiny Christmas tree that Tom bought them. "I'm sure our first Christmas together will be very beautiful. But never as beautiful as you of course. I won't ever allow that." Tom wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist. "I wish my parents were here. They would've loved you, I'm sure." Hermione muttered. "It's just us Mione. Us against the world." Tom kissed the back of her hand and then her cheek. "I love you so much Mione." Hermione smiled warmly at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She planted soft pecks along his jawline and then smashed her lips against his. Hermione was happy. She really was.


"Blimey, Tom! You always do this! Where in the bloody hell are you taking me this time?!' Tom laughed and hugged Hermione from the back. She was blindfolded so that she couldn't see where she was being taken to. Hermione felt Tom dragging her out of their house and he spun her six times and then he guided her to someplace with a lot of snow and then he took her up a flight of stairs and then he spun her around again a few times after that Hermione heard a door being opened and she was spun around again few times and then it was a straight walk to another place. Another door was opened and Tom stopped her.

"We're here." He whispered. Tom slowly untied her blindfold and she blinked her eyes to adjust with the view. "Oh Godric, Tom! How dare you! I will not-" Tom shushed her with one finger on her lips. "I didn't even thought about such thing. Since Christmas is in two days, I might as well want to have a good, relaxing time with you. Tell me honey, what's Christmas without a good movie?" Tom pointed over to his laptop on his bed. "Ah... I might have.. Misunderstood your intentions." Hermione blushed of embarrassment. She absolutely had a dirty mind. She thought Tom was thinking about doing the thing with her in his room. Not that she would mind though- wait- what?

"So, what are we watching?" she asked. "Not a Christmas movie that's for sure. They make me cringe. Sorry not sorry." Tom said. "You do realize you're 34 right Tom? You act like a teenager." She said, taking a sip of her hot cocoa drink. "Oh, shush it miss 31 years old. Talk to yourself about that." Hermione gasped. "How dare you!" Tom chuckled. "Oh, I dare darling." Tom narrowed his eyes at her with a full on smirk. Hermione found it tempting, his stare.

"We're watching Up? Didn't this movie just came out last year?" Hermione asked. Tom hummed as an answer. He pressed the play button and leaned on the bed headboard with his arm wrapped around Hermione. "I thought it'd be nicer to watch a cute animation rather than a classic romantic movie." Tom whispered and kissed Hermione's shoulder. "I love this. Now shut up, I want to listen to what they're saying."

"Oh my god Tom! Did you see his wife's reflection on the door? Oh my god!" Hermione blew her nose and wiped her tears with a tissue. "I can't! This is too sad for me to handle!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Awww the dog is so cute! Don't you think so, love? We should get a dog! Wait, perhaps not."

"I knew he was evil! What an arse!"

"Awwwww! Look at its babies!"

"Lovely, they're counting cars together."

"This was an awesome movie Tom. I didn't expect- Tom?"

Hermione turned her head only to find Tom sleeping soundly next to her. His hand was still wrapping her neck. "Oh, you." Hermione whispered and kissed Tom's forehead. "Goodnight honey." Hermione slowly got up and turned off his laptop. Quietly, she left the room and tip toed to her own room to avoid making creaky noises from their wood floor. She quickly changed into her pajamas and went back to Tom's room.


"Draco, you good?" George asked. "Yeah. Thanks for letting me come with you. I don't know how I would've handled celebrating alone again this year." Draco said softly.

*knock knock*

The door swung open. "George!" Bill hugged his brother and ruffled his hair. "How's life Georgie?" He asked. "Would've been better if you let us in and sit by the fire to warm up our cold arses."

"Draco." Bill called and shook Draco's hand. "Thanks for letting me over this year. Really appreciate it man." Bill nodded in response and moved to the side to give way for the two lads to enter the house.

They ate and talked then played with Bill's kids until late midnight where the men finally have some alone time.

"I'm disappointed my little Hermione's not with you. When you told me in the letter that she was back Georgie, I was expecting she'd be here for Christmas. Even got Fleur all pumped for nothing."

George glared at his older brother and bobbed his head towards Draco who was staring into his lap at the mention of her name. Hermione.

"Uh.. How about a drink? I've got stocks of Gin back in the kitchen. Let me get us two or three bottles." Bill announced and left to the kitchen. George looked over to his side and patted his buddy's back, hoping it would somehow make him feel better even when he knows it doesn't make a difference.

Bill came back with three bottles of gin and three cups levitating behind him. He poured them all a shot and they gladly gulped down the burning liquid down their throats. Nobody said a word until everyone was on their sixth shot.

"I'm a tosser aren't I?" Draco chuckled. George and Bill looked at each other then turned their heads towards him. "I mean, I knew I had these strong feelings for her but I didn't do anything about it." Draco leaned back into the sofa with his eyes closed.  "The only woman I've ever felt this way for before is my honey Astoria. That lovely thing. May her soul be in peace right now and also our baby Scorps."

"Amen." The two brothers simultaneously hushed.

"Merlin, she's just like her. Beautiful inside out. Intelligent. Humorous. Everything else good. Almost every night I dream of her in my arms. I never asked for it but fucking dick of a Merlin must've planted the dreams in my head on purpose all just to torture me I suppose." The three men chuckled and kept on pouring shots into their glasses.

Three bottles finally emptied, Draco was far from sober but George was holding up.

"Georgie buddy, take m'hand." Draco laughed and curled his finger at him. Bill's eyes widened. "Shit mate, the alcohol seems to be bringing out your alter ego Drac." Draco slammed his finger on Bill's lips to shush him. "Only ego'round 'ere's you, you retard." George gasped into his hand and laughed at his brother's stunned expression. "Come on buddy." Draco grabbed George's hand into his. "Bye Billy boy." he said and apparated at the spot.


A/N: I know this chap is short but I promise next chapter will be longer :) I would really like some feedback from you guys about my writing, I think it can help me to improve ♡ Much love xx

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