Chapter 12

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Ever heard of the calm before the storm? The last experience Hermione could relate to this saying was the Battle of Hogwarts.

After 12 years of living peacefully where her stress were only caused by her studies and her students, this was her new living nightmare. He was her living nightmare.

The past few months have been nothing but serenity, living life with Tom as a boyfriend who was nothing but caring, loving and charming.

The calm.

All of a sudden, Tom evolved into a monster. Inhumane. The devil himself. This was his alter ego. She was abused everyday. Slaps turn into punches. Wounds turn into scars.

The storm.

Hermione who was once a talkative teacher, who loves to joke around with her students, who concerns about other people more than herself now changed into a living dead.

Silent. Pale. Sad. Angry. Stressed.

Nobody could help her. Not even Daisy. Not even herself.

Daisy tried, oh yes, she tried hard to get her friend back. Even consulted Tom to ask about what had gone wrong.

"I don't know what's up with her at work but at home she's perfectly fine. Truly."

Lies. Lies. Lies.

All lies.

Hermione felt nothing but hatred towards this man. No, truth be told, Hermione was confused of her feelings. She knew she once promised herself to break off a relationship if the guy's not who she thought he was but she couldn't bring herself to talk to him about it. She hates his guts but she still loved his eyes. She wanted to kill him but she still wanted to kiss him.

How did it all go wrong?

They were so perfect, a match made in heaven.

They were the feathers that were pulled off yet still finds its way back with the other feathers.

They were one.

"My love, can you pour more tea into my cup then hand it to me please?" Tom turned to the next page of his book. Hermione got up and did as she was told to. Hermione shakily handed the cup to him. Tom, without looking up from his book, reached for the cup only to push it out of Hermione's hand. Crash. The cup broke and so did Hermione's safe guard.

Tom placed down his book and pulled Hermione by her hair then pushed her down.

"Why do you keep on causing trouble in this house?" he asked firmly. He levitated one of the glass shards and slowly ran its sharp end on Hermione's recently closed wound. Hermione struggled to keep in a scream from coming out. Tom hated her screams. She learned that from experience.

"Clean it up." Tom said, gesturing at her now bloody arm and the  shattered glass on the floor. As usual, Hermione obeyed.

Hermione strutted silently to her room after getting rid of the mess, hoping Tom wouldn't notice.

Never wrong to hope right?

Tom noticed of course and called her over. He pulled her down and onto his lap. Hermione moaned in disgust but Tom took it the other way.

"Poor thing." he said as his finger smoothly grazed her fresh cut. With a silent mutter, the wound was healed completely. Tom lifted her up a bit and adjusted her position so that her legs were draped around his waist.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Tom whispered into her neck. Every single time he apologizes, Hermione never wanted to accept his empty apologies but she didn't had the strength to say no. Not that she was hesitating but she literally can't. It felt like a dark force was controlling her voice and mind.

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