Chapter 6

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Tom hasn't spoken to Hermione for weeks since the little confession he accidentally splurted out to Hermione and it was starting to make Hermione feel bad about herself. She hated being ignored. Even at work, Tom would only talk to her when he really REALLY had to. Daisy noticed the tension between them but decided it was better for them to settle it on their own.

On the other side of the story, Tom was mad at himself for his actions. He shouldn't have ignored her. His chest would hurt so bad every time Hermione looked into his eyes sadly. Though he knew he shouldn't feel such things. He was and still is the greatest wizard after all. What have I done? Tom would regularly ask himself.

But that's the okay side of the stort. The other is not okay.

Ever since the night Tom hurt her, Hermione's been having nightmares every night. Literally EVERY night. Every day, her dreams would be about a different person. The weird thing about it was, the dream had the same patterns. It will start off about the person as a baby. Then, as a child. The dream would show the life of the person. But when the person gets older, the dream gets darker. Everything became dark and vicious. But the worse thing was, Hermione had to relive the Battle of Hogwarts and watch the scene over and over again like a CD on replay. The only difference was the person she was watching as. The first dream, she was Daphne Greengrass. Second time, she was Hannah Abbott. Third time, she was Blaise Zabini. And it just keeps going on every night. The absolute pain about this whole thing was, she's forced to watch all her friends die, again and again. And again. Eventually, the dreams got the best of Hermione. It sucked the life out of her like a Dementor's Kiss. She became sad, angry at the world and vulnerable.

In fact, Hermione's depression came back after seven years of recovering. What makes things worse was that Tom reminds Hermione of all her friends that had died during the battle. She couldn't figure out why, but Tom just has it. He has this aura that makes her feel some kind of way. To be more precise, makes her feel sad and empty. Even Hermione's students realize the sudden change in her behavior. Some even asked her if everything was alright. Daisy was so worried of her, she even invited Tom for coffee to talk about it.

"Tom, here!" Daisy waved her hand up high so that Tom could see her. Tom walked towards her with his hands in his pockets. He politely sat in front of her eventhough he was remarkably annoyed of her.

"What do you want to talk about with me?" he asked with a boring tone. "It's about- Hermione." Daisy saw Tom's pupils dilate at the mention of Hermione's name.
"I'm worried about her Tom. It came back. Whatever is happening between you two, please, I beg you, fix it. I don't want to lose her. I can feel it coming back Tom. Actually, I'm sure it's back. I've seen it before and this is exactly the same." Daisy begged. "What are you talking about? What's coming back?" Tom asked worriedly.

"Nine years ago, Hermione was officially diagnosed by the therapists that she had depression. I was by her side during the whole time she was.. ill. My goodness, it was dark days for her. She was all alone. No. She was not alone but she thought she was. Hermione, so strong yet so lonely. She would cry until she falls asleep, she would cry every time she's in the bathroom. God, she would cry whenever she saw herself in the mirror. She would always say that everything's her fault. She would say that her friends died because of her. But no, of course it wasn't because of her. It was confirmed that her friends were killed by a really famous serial killer." Tom covered his smirking mouth with his hand.

"Hermione, that angel tried to commit suicide so many times, Tom. She tried to hang herself, tried to overdose, she even slit her own wrist but thank god the doctors managed to save her. I- I can't handle watching my best friend fall into the same pit again. Tom, please. Do me a favor and help Hermione recover again. I just know that this time only you can help her because I know it started after something happened between you two. Please I beg of you. Bring me back my best friend." Daisy begged. Tom was still shocked by the news that Hermione had tried to commit suicide before.

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