11 » bubblegum

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"You can't make me give up so easily babe."

"Is there a reason why you're calling me at ungodly hours in the morning?? Because I don't want to talk to you right now."

"It's 12 in the afternoon Hayley."

"So? My head hurts like shit and I'm not going to get out of my bed until it stops."

"Drink some water and eat a burger, you'll be fine."

"A burger? Are you serious right now?"

"It helps me."

"You're so weird Brendan."


"Can you leave me alone to die now?"

"Nope. I called to remind you of last night."

"Um, what?"

"You don't remember, do you?"

"No? Wait, why are you laughing?''

"You drunk dialed me Hayles."


"Yep. And you said some pretty interesting stuff too."

"What?! Are you serious right now?"


"What did I say?"

"You called me up and said..."



"Spit it out Brendan."

"You said talking to me brightens up your day like no other. You said my voice is sexy and everytime you hear it, your heart melts. You said-"

"Bullshit. I wouldn't have said anything like that. Now I'm not even sure I called you."

"Yeah? Why don't you check for yourself?"


"OH. MY. GOD."

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