25 » denim

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"What's up?"

"Do you realise we've been talking for almost a month now and yet we know nothing about each other other than our names?"

"Not true actually. I know you're twenty two, hella annoying, really persistent and super lame. I know that you love junk food, well food in general, you get angry when you're hungry and that you use alcohol to drown your sorrows. I also know that you have loads of girls following you around and that you have a sister and a girlfriend named Chrissy."

"Wow Hayles. Have you been writing down details about me? That is so sweet."

"Shut up Brendan."

"It's okay to admit you're in love with me Hayles. I won't mind."

"Just shut up already!"

"Fine fine. Anyway, for the record, it's ex-girlfriend."


"I have an ex-girlfriend named Chrissy."



"What happened?"

"She was getting too clingy. You heard it the other day."



"Uh... Okay, well, back to point. I do not have any written record about you. I just happen to have an excellent memory, unlike your stupid self."

"I like how you sneak in those insults in your sentences. Very subtle."


"And also, my memory is excellent too."

"Oh yeah?"

"Of course! I know that you, Hayley Carson, are a Chemistry major who has a revenge seeking food addict best friend just like my sister. I know that you have a car which is undergoing repairs, that you apparently cannot handle going in a bus, that you have a weekend job and that you're an honest drunk."


"Flabbergasted by my awesomeness babe?"

"Shut up!"

"*chuckles* But I want to know more is what I meant. More things about you. I don't even know where you live for starters."

"Brendan, really? It's like stranger danger 101: never give out private information, especially stuff like where you live and where you're going."

"I'm not a stranger Hayley."

"Well, maybe. But I'm not totally convinced you aren't a creep. Who knows? You might just turn out to be a rapist underneath your charming persona!"

"Charming eh?"

"Oh shut up."

"Fine then, tell me something I don't know about you."

"Why do you so badly want to know anyway?"

"Just because."

"Well you tell me something first then."

"Okay, um, I'm in my senior year of college - I'm a business major, I live with my best friend Matt in an apartment off campus and I've always wanted to go to Barbados."

" *laughs* Barbados? Why?"

"I don't know. It has a cool name."

"You're weird Brendan."

"Thanks. Anyway, your turn."

"Uhh, okay. My favourite colour is orange, I like mango ice cream the most and I have a pet dog back home called Gunther because I was obsessed with F.R.I.E.N.D.S when I got him."

" *chuckles* And where is back home?"

"Just a few miles from here actually. Small town and all. What about you?"

"I'm bred and born here itself."

"Hey that's cool. So is my best friend surprisingly!"

"It's not common for city kids to move out of the city you know?"

"Oh... That's pretty stupid."

"What? Why?"

"Why wouldn't you want to go somewhere other than where you've been your entire life?"

"Well, I can do that after college, can't I? I won't have to study and stuff either."

"Oh well all right. I still think it's stupid though."

"You're stupid."

"And apparently you're still seven."

"Shut it foreigner."

"I'm from a different town, not a different country you know?"

"Whatever babe."

"You have no originality I tell you."

"Well that's why I have you, don't I?"

"You don't have me. You don't even know what I look like!"

"Well how about I find out?"

" *snorts* In your dreams."

"Dreams do come true, you know?"

"But I'm sure this one won't."

"You're so mean!"

"I try."

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