21 » blue bolt

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"Uh hello?"

"Finally done!"

"Huh? Oh... It's like 1 a.m. It isn't healthy to stay up so late on a weekday Hayles."

"It was just for this blasted project, don't worry."

"Don't do it again, okay?"

"Okay, mom."




"Uh - yeah. What?"

"Did you just...fall asleep on the phone?"



"Don't laugh! I was sleeping when you called, okay?"


"Oh shit Yeah, right... That slipped my mind completely, sorry! You told me to call you when I was done and I just... God, I'm so stupid. Sorry."

"You're cute when you babble."

"Shut up Brendan. Okay, I'm going to go now. Sorry again."

"It's okay. Night Hayley."

"Goodnight Brendan."

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