26.5 » egyptian blue

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"So my sister exchanged all the numbers on my phone with yours..."

"Two birds, one stone."

"Clever, isn't she?"

"Devilishly so."

"But I bet she never expected us to become friends."

" *laughs* I bet she didn't."



"So, you're okay with this?"

"With what?"

"The fact that I'm your sister's best friend."

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm two years younger than you?"

"Age doesn't matter, Hayles. Don't you have friends who're younger than you?"

"Well, yeah... I do. I guess you're right. Besides, I am much smarter than you, even though I'm younger."

"That's why you're more immature than I am too. Because you're younger."

"I'm immature?! Look who's talking."

"I am looking. And damn, must I say, what a fine human being."

"Stop being so narcissistic Brendan."

"I'm just appreciating the wonders in the world, really."

"I'm sure nobody apart from you thinks you're wonderful."

"Don't you lie to me babe. I'm sure you're drooling right now."

"What?! What logic is that?"

"That's universal logic."

"It makes no sense."

"Not to the simple minded ones, no."

"Oh God, shut it!"

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