15 » white

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"I thought you said you're never going to call me again?!"

"It was you who called me first, babe."

"Uh, what? You called me!"

"You don't seem to realise you pocket dialled me."


"Well, sorry about that, but it obviously wasn't on purpose, so that can't be counted as me calling you."

"If you get a call from somebody, what does it mean?"


"If somebody calls you, Hayley, what does it mean?"

"That they want to tell you something?"

"So that call has a purpose, right?"

"I guess..."

"Well, I think fate wanted this to happen, so it did."

"What are you even talking about?!"

"See, I think you wanted me to call you, at least subconsciously, and so you unknowingly, or knowingly, pocket dialled me."


"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"

"But you know it's true. Think about it - you drunk dialled and pocket dialled me! Now either that's a serious lack in your social life or fate is at work."


"Are you taking any sort of medication for your extremely serious medical condition? Because if not, I have to tell you, I think you need to start. Brain damage is not something to take lightly."

"Very funny. Why are you so convinced I have some sort of brain malfunction anyway? Is it because I'm too awesome to be normal? Awww, Hayley!"

"By awesome if you mean crazy, then yes, absolutely."

"Crazy amazing, you say? Wow, I didn't think it was possible for someone to fall in love with me just over the phone but-"

"Finish that sentence and you won't live to see another day."

"It's cute how you think you're scary."

"I bet it will be extremely cute when I shove a toothbrush down your throat, right?"

"Why a toothbrush?"

"What do you mean why? I just choose it to be my torture device."

"That sentence sounds so dirty to me..."

"Get your head out of the gutter Brendan!"

"Hey! You started it!"

"I did not, but I'm ending it. I think by now I've realised that telling you to never call me again is not going to work-"

"You know it's fate, babe."

"-don't call me babe! Yes, so as I was saying, telling you to stop won't work so I'm going to politely remind you that unlike yourself, some of us have more useful things to do than to irritate strangers, so I'm afraid I going to have to end our delightful call."

"I'm starting to think you're studying sarcasm at your college. Tell me, is that your major?"

" *sighs* Just when I thought you couldn't get any stupider..."

"It's a valid question! Are you a sarcasm major, Hayley who's last name I don't know?"

"It's Carson and no, I'm obviously not. And since I'm smart enough to understand what you're trying to do, creep, I'm a Chemistry major."

"Wow. First off, I'm not a creep, amd second, that's some serious stuff babe. I hated Chemistry so much back in high school."

"I wouldn't be surprised. It is pretty hard if you don't like it or you aren't smart enough, like in your case."

"Very funny Hayles. But, yeah it is. There's just so much shit going on it confuses the heck out of you!"

" *laughs* Yes, it does. Okay, really Brendan, I have to go. I have class in literally two minutes."

"Oh okay. Bye Hayley."

"Bye Brendan."

"Talk to you later?"

"Unfortunately yes."

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