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"C'mon Marcus, let's go man." I whisper loudly into the darkness.

Marcus appears in front of me a couple seconds later, blowing hot air on his hands.

"I don't know about this, Levi." He adjusts the duffel bag on his shoulders and sighs. "God, it's freezing."

"You're such a baby. Let's just do this before we get caught." I say throwing my bag over and grabbing onto the fence.

"I hope you're right about this." Marcus whispers and I roll my eyes.

"Of course I am. Now stop worrying and get over this fence."

Once we get to the other side, I instantly pull out a piece of already chewed bubble gum and stick it to the wire. 

"Now it can't electrocute us." 

We slip past a booth that holds a sleeping security guard and a ringing phone.

I wonder if it's important.

I open the first door down the hallway and the light flicks on when the motion activated sensors go off.

I immediately run over to the desk and pull out a stack of envelope of peoples cases and shove them into the bag. 

Marcus runs over and does the same, cramming enough evidence to get anyone on the other side fired.

"This guy bludgeoned his wife's skull with a frying pan." Marcus says lowly, opening up one of the files.

"These people are crazy." I say, running my fingers through a case big enough to cover the golden gate bridge.

"This woman drowned her children in a bathtub after drugging them with sleeping pills."

"Jesus." I say staring at him and he nods.

"Yeah, jesus is right. This father of four ripped his wife's lungs out after she refused to bathe him and then he grilled them on the barbecue."

"Her lungs?" I asks astonished and he nods.

"This mother wrote her daughters death day on a calendar and then on that day, she killed her."

I open up a file and stare at the picture of the woman.

She seems so happy, her eyes full of excitement, her face concealed of all bad things.

The picture below hers, is of two boys.

Most likely her sons, side by side, grinning into the camera.

She's a capricorn. And she was only 37 when she was sent over here.

She was accused of stealing but no real evidence was found.

See this is what I'm talking about.

People get put over here even when they could be innocent.

I remember reading about this woman named Katherine and she was falsely accused according to several sources. They say her husband filed the crime so that she didn't rat him out instead.

And the same thing goes for people who do commit gruesome crimes and still remain with the  sane.

"Let's get out of here." I whisper to Marcus and he nods.

I zip up the bag and go to make a run for it when I see a guy standing in the doorway.

"Freeze!" He yells and I launch a sleeping ball at him which causes him to laugh when it hits him in the chest.

Almost immediately he stops and falls to the floor, completely unconscious.

"It worked." I whisper surprised and Marcus scoffs.

"You mean that wasn't guaranteed??" He asks dumbfounded and I shake my head, grabbing the bag and running out of the office.

The light turns off after us and I fling my bag back over the fence, grabbing onto to it, starting to climb.

When I realize Marcus isn't following me, I turn around and notice he's gone.

"Marcus??" I call out into the darkness and when he doesn't respond, I know I'm in trouble.

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