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"Hey man." I say to Luke, giving him a fist bump and a couple pats on the back.

"How've you been?" He asks and I shrug, looking around finding Bradley Res standing up on the stage going over a few pages.

"Fine, I guess." I look back at Luke to see him looking back at his sister sitting in a white foldable chair, Kaitlyn trying to rock it back and forth.

"We got to see our mom a couple days ago." He says, his tone sounding drained, his mind seems far away all of a sudden.

"How's she doing?" I ask and he shrugs, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"She says she's doing fine but she looks mentally and physically exhausted. So depleted. Kat wants her to come home."

We both stare at Kaitlyn and she looks up at Luke, a big smile on her face.

Luke laughs slightly and sighs.

I glance around and all the people hanging around and I see several guys from work.

"You seen Lena?" I ask Luke and he shakes his head.

Just as I say it, I see her suddenly sitting at the front her eyes trailed on her father.

She smiles at some guy who sits down a couple seats from her and he waves.

My eyes narrow at him as he leans back in his chair.

"Who is that?" I ask Luke and he follows my eyes.

"That's Levi Morris. Don't know a lot about him, though. His friend Marcus, the one in the green, is one of the one's that just hopped the wall and lived to tell about it."

"That's him??"

"Yeah. He won't tell the WatchMen who the other person is that he was with. I think it was Levi but he's not budging." Luke says, looking over at all the WatchPeople that are guarding the area.

"You talked to Levi??" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nah, but I got a source on the inside that said they've brought Levi in for questioning four times and he still won't break. I think they'll give up soon."

"Did they suspend Marcus?" I push, wanting to know everything about the wall incident.

"As far as I can tell, no. He's only 17 so they can't put him over the wall. They must have let him off with a minor suspension considering he's here right now." He voice lowers to a whisper. "But my source says that if he breaks another RES regulation, he'll stay on the other side forever."

"Really?" I ask incredulous, not believing the words he's telling me. I've never heard of someone staying over there until death. It wasn't like Bradley to run such a suspension. 

Even after Katherine Shelling's case of the missing 3M, they still only let her off with a 6 month suspicion, and after they closed the case, she only had to complete 5 and a half years.

"It's ridiculous. I mean it'd be different if they stole something, but getting over there and living to tell about it? I gotta admit that's impressive."

"It's not like they were drinking or getting into trouble. But for some reason Bradley really doesn't like people getting over there if they're not supposed to be." I say and Luke nods.

"There are different theories saying that they stole a bunch of case files." Luke says casually and my eyebrows touch, leaving a crease in my forehead.

"What would they want with a bunch of case files??" I ask and Luke shrugs.

"Beats me, man. Someone said they beat up the WatchMen that were on patrol that night."

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