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"Oh my god, did you hear what happened yesterday??" Cade speaks up, his head buried in a  newspaper, long forgotten cereal bowl by his side.

"No, what?" I ask, placing my coffee cup in the sink, running water into it so it doesn't stain.

"Two boys got over the fence." He says and I freeze, spinning around to face him.

"You're kidding." I squeak, instantly knowing who's responsible.

"Nope. Last night. They were stealing tons of cases and they only managed to catch one of them." He says, his eyes scanning over the small print.

"The other escaped??" I ask, mentally face palming. That idiot.


"Who was the one they caught?" I ask him, hoping that the newspaper provided that information.

"Marcus Murphy."

I can't believe he went over that bloody fence. If I ever see him again, I'll kill him.

"Do you know him?" Cade asks and I look at him confused, hiding my previous expression.

"Not really. The name just sounded familiar." I tell him, spinning back around to finish the dishes.

"You sure?" He asks, not completely convinced and I nod, not looking back at him.

"Lori, I'm not gonna push it but I know you have something to tell me so I'll just wait until you're ready." He says knowing exactly how to get to me.

"Okay, I know him. Is that what you want to hear??" I ask, turning around to stare at him.

He's now standing a couple feet away from me, leaning against the counter.

"Yes." He says with a smug smile. "How do you know him?"

"We went to school together." I say simply and his frown deepens.

"Ridgeview? Why did he want to get over the fence?" He asks and I shrug.

"He wants some case files from some of the lock-ups, I don't know."

"Who was the other kid?" His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips parted.

"I want to tell you but I'm hesitant." I say with a smug smile.

"Why?" He asks, giving me a confused glance.

"Because you're cute when you're angry." I say softly, patting his chest and continuing up the stairs.

I swing myself into my room and grab my phone, angrily typing a number that I shouldn't know by heart.


"Levi, you idiot, you could've gotten killed! Do you freaking know how much trouble you could've gotten in!?" I yell, my fist clenching and unclenching.

"Lori chill, jesus, nothing happened!" He shouts back and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah? What about Marcus?? You just left him over there!? How is that nothing??"

"I couldn't go back for him even if I wanted to. I'm already in trouble with the border. You know that." He says irritated and I scoff.

"You should've kept an eye on him." I say sternly and I hear him sigh.

"I know, Lori. I know." He tells me. "But I'll get him back. I'm going back over."

"No you're not, Levi. You're going to stay in your house and lock yourself in your room. You're not going back over that fence. So help me, if I have to chain you to your bed-"


"Shut up. God Levi, you promised you wouldn't go over there. You said you wouldn't and I believed you. Why did I believe you??" I mumble the last part more to myself and I hear him sigh.

"I said I would think about it. I didn't say I wasn't going to do it." He says lowly and I narrow my eyes.

"Why even do it in the first place!? What was the point, Levi!? What did you possibly get out of it!? You risked your life and for what!? A stupid bunch of case files that tell you what!? Nothing!"

I was so mad at him. So mad that he went over to the other side. And mad that he dragged Marcus over the fence and left him there.

"Trust me it wasn't for nothing. I'll get Marcus back."

"Levi, don't-"

But he had already hung up.

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