Party's Over

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" Well you're not going alone," Camilla said and hopped into the passenger seat. We told my mom that I forgot my wallet at the theater so we could go find out what the hell was up with Maren.

We parked across the street from the theater because it seemed that everyone liked to go to the movies at 8:00!

We went inside and checked to see if they were sitting at the tables. They weren't there. There were two about 5 year old kids eating pizza and waiting for their mom's movie to be over. I learned this from my specialty, eavesdropping.

I let Camilla sit as I showed the ticket guy my ticket. " That movie was over 15 minutes ago," he snarled. Wow short movie and a short tempered guy.

It's like a buy one get one free!

I walked over to Camilla, who was eating a pretzel, and told her, " It was over 15 minutes ago when it ended. She probably went out with them or she'a at home." " I'm 100% sure that she isn't home," Camilla said, then took another bite of her pretzel that was supposedly amazingly good, even thought the theater's food sucked.

This isn't getting any easier. " Well let's take a drive and figure this thing out. This place is scary at night," I said and walked out, along with Camilla who was still trying to finish that pretzel. " Is the pretzel really that good?" I questioned. She nodded with a mouthful of pretzel, " Uh Huh."

So we were driving and listed some of the possibilities.

1) She it caught doing something and was at the police station ( Which is pretty impossible)

2) Her mom picked her up because she didn't feel like dealing with us.

Yep. That's all.

Just as we were turning to get some gas at Pony Express, a Jeep came out of nowhere, pumping loud music. They were swerving everywhere. I saw some of Julia'a friends dancing on the back. Most of them were wearing a bra and high waisted shorts. I looked at Camilla and rolled my eyes. " I think I know where she is."

We followed the car up to the party. It was at some mansion or something. There were plenty of people in the front yard. Plastic red cups scattered on the lawn as well toilet paper and clothes. We walked on the littered grass into the mansion.

Music that was even louder than the music in that car. The stereos piled up in the living room and sweaty bodies also piled up. Plenty people were drunk and dancing.

" Um, Mer," Camilla said and nudged me, pointing to the dining room table. There Maren stood atop of it, dancing. She was wearing a crop top and underwear. If you want me to get into more detail, she was wearing a thong.

People stood around her, laughing and taking videos of her shaking her ass. Camilla an I glared at each other in pure shock.

"We've got to do something before she fucks up all her years of high school and her life," Camilla said as her and I walked up to the table.

" Maren get down!" Camilla yelled. One guy pointed is camera at Camilla once she spoke.

" Put the camera down you dick," Camilla said as she blocked his camera and it dropped to the floor. " You're paying for that!" He yelled at her but she completely ignored him.

We both stood on the table and grabbed Maren off the table. She quickly neglected. " The fun's just about to begin!" She smirked and everyone cheered. That's disgusting.

" Maren get down before you fuck up all your years of high school," I told her. " Whatever," she muttered and let us pull her off the table.

The smell of alcohol reeked in her breath and she was definitely intoxicated. " Did you ever notice that nobody notices you?" Maren giggled. I mean, I know she was drunk but she really hit home base. Home base as in my heart. My feelings. My ego.

We drove all the way to a park so she could sober up and put some pants on. " Get out of here hehe..." She giggled, then acted all serious again.

" Come on, work with us," Camilla whispered. " Leave!" She said then kicked my car, leaving a dent. I gasped and looked at the dent. " My mom is going to kill me," I said. I cannot believe this.

" No, we're taking you home," I said, and we dragged her to her house. When she walked into her house, her mom opened the door an took Maren as she clumsily fell into her arms. "What happened to her?" She asked, obviously frightened by the new Maren. " Ask her when she's sober. Trust me, she'll know everything."


Me and Camilla drove in complete and still silence, but not in the awkward moment, but in deep thought.

The thought of that party makes shiver. All those drunk people crowded together. They call it a party, but I call it torture.

Who wants to stand around for hours and hours feeling sick to your stomach along with other people?

When we arrived at home, we sat in the kitchen and watched Law and Order: Special Victims and ate watermelon.

" We've had quite the night,haven't we?"Camilla said to me. " I still cannot believe Jack did what he did." As it's true. I couldn't. I would sort it through my mind millions of times, yet, all I could come up with is that he used me.

Camilla pulled me in for a hug, and I started bawling. Let's take this watermelon upstairs and watch a movie, kay?" Camilla said. She was always the one who could calm me down. So we went upstairs and watched Charlie St. Cloud. We both bawled the whole time. But I think we were crying for different reasons. " I'm gonna get the Cheetos," Camilla said. I nodded and pulled my pillow over my head. Yes, it had Hannah Montana on it. No, I'm not gonna change it. I've had it since I was like 10 or something like that. I love it so much. I tried to block out all noises. When Camilla walked in, I popped right up.

" Turns out, you only have chesse puffs," she said as to which it was supposed to be sad, but she said it with a smile. I mean, 'ya gotta love cheese puffs.

That night, we watched Easy A and High School Musical 3, but we fell asleep at 2 AM, mainly because I wanted to start with a fresh day and get out of the one we were in. (Only technically, because we were in the next day).


The next day, I woke up to rain pounding on my window. " YUUUSSS," I said groggily. I just loved rainy and snowy days. It gives me an excuse not to go outside. I rub my sleepy eyes and turn to see Camilla not there. I was too tired to even think through it. I walked downstairs to see Camilla drinking milk. " HIYA!" Camilla said. I giggled. " WHAT?" She asked me and raised her eyebrow." It's just your milk mustache. AND STOP SCREAMING. IT'S ONLY 10 AM FOR HEAVEN SAKES," I said. She turned back to her poptart she was eating. I looked in the cabinet and found the only kind of poptart I like, OREO. I sat down at one of our chairs next to Camilla. " What'cha watchin'?" I asked. I turned and saw she was watching the Niki Mnaj (sorry if I spelled that wrong) E! special. She never answered, noticing I already knew. " So... I have some news. I don't want to start your morning off sour but.."

She hesitated. " But... what?" " But Julia and Jack broke up," she said. I sighed of relief. " How is that bad news?" I asked. I'm really starting to question her judgement. " You didn't let me finish. Jack and Julia broke up and... Jack and Maren are dating."

I'm not sure if this is long enough because I don't know about my computer. SOOOO what did you think? I bet you didn't think Maren would betray her like that. ASK AS MANY QUESTIONS AS YOU LIKE BECAUSE THE ONLY COMMENT IS ME you silent little birdies. - Meg

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