Kids Learn Faster Than Adults

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Of course, the kid's brain is still developing and has a lot of spaces to fill in with the new information learned whereas the adult's brain is almost filled with a bunch of useless information in the brain which is kinda difficult to store more new information. In fact, the child's developing brain undergoes the process of Exuberant Synaptogenesis, wherein many synapses are formed. A synapse is a connection between nerve cells and the more synapses are formed, the more organized the brain is. That organization helps the kid grasps the lesson faster and thinks creatively at the same time. However, as time goes, when the kid reaches adulthood, the brain becomes messy and complicated because a lot of information is stored in it. Thus, it takes a lot of time and patience for adults to acquire new skills and knowledge.

No wonder, our grandparents or old parents keep asking assistance from us in opening a browser and login into their social accounts a hundred times

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