The Future: Holodeck

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With the help of virtual reality, the sci-fi holodeck is getting closer to reality. Holodeck is a programmed room allowing you to see and feel the desired scenario or environment you are in. You might be in a simulated pyramid, universe, heaven, or inside the human body which gives a surreal feeling. But today scientists are still figuring out the possible ways of touching simulated objects. They come up with the idea of developing a controller or special gloves that creates slight vibrations, which gives haptic feedback to let the user touches the simulated object as if it is real. Haptic feedback helps you sense a solid object even though there is nothing there. And since humans communicate verbally through sound waves, which are vibrations interpreted by our brain as sound, and can only hear between 20 Hertz- 20,000 Hertz, this concept gives the scientists an idea of using Ultrasound waves (higher than 20,000 Hertz) to let you sense the vibrating air with your fingers and able to feel the solidity of that object without hearing any buzzing sounds or noises.

Perhaps in the future, holodeck might be a heavenly solution in creating a perfectly happy world for all humans who are sick of enduring the harshness and crappiness in this fucked up unjust world.

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