A Relationship Break-up is Like a Drug Withdrawal

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Love is literally a drug. When we fall in love, we are eager and happy to see our loved ones. The reward or motivation system in our brain lits up, releasing a bunch of a good-feeling hormone, dopamine. Hence, we become obsessed with our partners to the point that we are looking for them and spend much of a day thinking about kissing and making love in a bed with them. We are literally addicted to them but when they decided to have some space it crushes our soul badly and questions our lovability. We start asking ourselves what we did wrong and if our love is not enough for them to stay with us longer. The feeling of breaking up with someone we truly love and consider them as our life partner is like experiencing drug withdrawal. Because the response of a brain in taking recreational drugs and falling in love are the same so there is no doubt that a relationship breakup is similar to drug withdrawal.

As a result, we stalk them on social media even though we know it is not a good thing to do. We really cannot help ourselves because our brain is seeking the reward of all the good chemicals associated with our ex. We crave the presence of our beloved so we tried to call them a lot, meet them uninvited, or creepily stalk them physically. But there is a good quote that states "Time heals almost everything", which gives us hope that we can move on. We can break our addiction and finally can wake up alone happily and do something productive without even thinking about our ex. Also, our brain cells or neurons rewire their connection and might create new connections with other neurons to get back to our old selves, perhaps better and stronger than before. Though it really consumes a lot of time to heal our emotional injury.

Moreover, experts suggest the best way to numb our craving for pathetic feelings is to change our environmental cues and allow our hearts to mend themselves. A new environment creates a new beginning of a new self. But honestly, I really cannot go to another place where nothing can remind me of my ex because I am living with my parents. I have no sufficient money to support myself alone and I am still a student, dependent on my parents.

But if you cannot relate to this article and you are still searching that will never break your heart, I suggest that you better adopt an adorable pet dog or buy your favorite food, pizza. Believe me, it's worth it.

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