Progesterone Influences Baby's Later Sexuality

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There are some methods in preventing miscarriage and one of them is through adding more progesterone but it can influence a baby's sexuality later in life. Progesterone has a big role in women's menstrual cycle by helping in maintaining pregnancies and the development of the fetus, researchers believed that progesterone can be a treatment for pregnancy complications. But the lead researcher, Dr. June Reinisch found bisexuality is quite common among men and women whose mothers received an additional supplement of progesterone while pregnant. Because progesterone also develops neural activity and produces other sex hormones as well as steroid hormones which help regulate stress response, inflammation, and metabolism of the body. Thus, progesterone does not only help and mitigate the risks of pregnant women but also mold the baby's sexual orientation as they grow up.

Therefore, if the number of doses in progesterone determines the sexuality of the baby, the researchers may suggest to homophobic mothers to lessen the intake, however, the chance of having an underdeveloped baby or miscarriage is probably high. And if progesterone makes the baby's healthy then let it be. It is better to grow up as a healthy and happy bisexual adult than to be a sickly straight person.

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