"Only 10% of our Brains used" is a BIG Myth

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The quoted statement above suggested that we only use 10 percent of our brain but if we unlock the remaining percent, we might unleash incredible supernatural power. But, probably all scientists especially neuroscientists would laugh at this absurd statement because, of course, they knew that no area in a brain is unused. They utilized the fMRI brain-imaging machine more in their researches, so they never see any region that does not function.

However, it might be true that we might not 100% use all the brain parts simultaneously because we do not usually use all our body muscles at the same time. Besides, if that myth is true there must be minor damage when you suddenly get a stroke or receive any kind of brain injury such as hitting your head on a wall since only a small portion of your brain is used (if you really have one). And we might expect a surgeon to report that a victim luckily survived in the bullet that went into his brain and becomes fine afterward.

So, only the people who used 10% of their brains are the fools who believed this myth and other preposterous conspiracy theories and pass it along to their fellow fools too. 

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