Some People Can Fake Serious Illness

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We all experienced faking symptoms of illness like making ourselves sweat through intense exercise then lay on a bed and play sick just to avoid going to school or do some household chores or eat our favorite soup. That innate talent of ours is called Malingering but some people have gone too far. They seriously fake their illness and act like a sick person and consults a real doctor without any obvious external motivation. They don't do it to get off from work or experience being hospitalized or waste money. They do it to get attention and sympathy and perhaps encourage someone to help and care about them. This condition is called a Factitious Disorder. These people might lie about their medical history, even harm themselves physically just to prove that they have a disease or condition. Sometimes, even if they don't harm themselves, they can still be harmed by unnecessary medical procedures. Plus, they would waste their money paying medical bills and get a lot of absences from work, where they get their source of income. Researchers think that it has something to do with their traumatic childhood experience. Probably, some of them experience loss or neglect so they crave some care and sympathy for other people. Unfortunately, there is no known treatment for the factitious disorder but therapy might help. 

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