Some are Allergic to Sunlight

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Commonly, some people are allergic to pollens, peanuts, seafood, or humans like them, which we called anti-social. But there is a rare condition where a person is allergic to sunlight, UV light specifically. This dermatological condition is called Solar Urticaria.

When an immune sees an allergen such as pollen or peanut as a foreign invader it releases a bunch of histamines which prompts the blood vessels to become leaky and muscles to contract, helping the immune cells to 'volt in' and ward off the alleged invaders. Consequently, it develops the common reaction, itchy painful rashes. This allergic reaction is the same with someone allergic to natural light or artificial light sources emitting ultraviolet radiation but the rashes only appear on the exposed area. The reaction may subside within a few minutes or more where it can become very disabling.

Furthermore, their skin has light-absorbing molecules, transforming them into allergens when the right wavelength hits them. However, the specific chemical that acts as a photoallergen is still unidentified. Since it is a rare condition, scientists need more data to search for the real culprit behind the allergic reaction.

Thus, this article proves that vampires do not only exist in fiction but also in real-life too.  

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