Food tastes better when You're Drunk

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Have you ever wondered why you do not feel full when you're eating a lot of food while you're drunk? If not, try a little experiment to yourself by drinking any liquor until you get drunk just to know that if it is true. And according to the researchers, moderate alcohol consumption leads to a short-term increase in food intake. In simple terms, it will motivate you to overeat making you fatter without even reaching the feeling of being full.

Furthermore, if you are drunk, neurons released a peptide- a small chain of amino acids called AgRP (Agouti- Related Protein). AgRP deceives your brain, telling you that you are still hungry, thus not reaching the satiating feeling. Plus, alcohol consumption decreased the production of the hormone, LEPTIN. Leptin gives you satisfaction after a meal, without it, you cannot hit the sweet feeling of being full. Also, alcohol alleviates pain making you feel good, and at the same time lures you to become dependent on it. It strongly affected the OPIATE system, which controls pain, reward, and addiction. The alcohol exposes the presence of ENDOGENOUS OPIOIDS that is related to how your brain processes food such as defining its texture, taste, and overall palatability.

Worse, not only it spurs you to eat more but also stirs you to eat grosser foods. Despite the nasty appearance of a certain food, you will still probably eat it because it is edible. The alcohol distorts your brain's perception of reality, turning the gross food into a delicious consumable thing.

So, yes getting drunk is fun. It makes you impulsive in eating a lot of disgusting foods which will be puke out eventually. But when you wake up in the morning with a hangover and swear to yourself not to drink again, surely you will break the solemn promise you made when a friend of yours invites you to a party again. 

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