Season One: Lunatic

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Stiles, Scott, and I are currently walking in the woods. Why? I have no clue.

"Where are we going?" I ask, miserable.

Ever since the night at school, I haven't been myself. Neither has Scott. Allison broke up with him. She said something about not being able to trust him. As for me? I still have a little hope. A small part of me hopes that Derek is still alive. Him and his car were missing once we were rescued. So I can only hope.

"You'll see," Stiles answers me.

"We really shouldn't be out here. Our mom hasn't calmed from her freak out that happened at the school." Scott says.

"Well, your guys' mom isn't the Sheriff. Okay, there's no comparison. Trust me."

"Just tell us what we're doing here."

"Yes. When your best friend gets dumped-"

"I didn't get dumped," Scott argues. "We're taking a break."

"Alright. When your best friend gets told by his girlfriend that they're taking a break, and your other best friend's boyfriend gets killed by a psychotic Alpha, you get your best friends drunk." Stiles says, holding up a bottle of Jack Daniels.


So, we're halfway through the bottle, well, Stiles is.

"Dude, ya know she's just one girl. Ya know, there's so many, there's so many other girls in the sea." Drunk Stiles says.

"Fish in the sea." I correct.

"Fish? Why are you talking about fish? I'm talking about girls. I love girls. I love, I love. Especially ones with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, 5ft 3."

"Like Lydia?" Scott asks.

"Ya, exactly. Hey! How'd you know I was talking about-about. What was I talking about?"

Scott doesn't respond.

"Hey, ya know what'll make you happy? Take a drink."

"I don't want anymore."

"You're not drunk?"

"I'm not anything."

"Oh shut up Scott," I says. "At least Allison isn't dead."

I take the bottle, and take a sip.

"Hey," Stiles begins. "Maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore. Ya know, maybe you can't get drunk. As a wolf. Am I drunk?"

"You're wasted." I say.

"Yaaaaa............Come on guys. I know it feels bad. I know it hurts. I know, well I don't know, but, I know this, I know that, as much as being broken up hurts, or dead, being alone, is way worse."

"Stiles, that made no sense."

He laughs. "That made no sense.........drink."

Stiles reaches for the bottle but it's grabbed away. I look and see two grown males in front of us.

"Well, look at the two little bitches getting their drink on."

"Give it back," I say, standing up.

"Oh, and they got a babe." One says.

I slowly make my way over to them.

"Give it back," Scotty says.

"What's that little man?" The same one asks.

"I think he wants a drink," the other one says.

"Give me the bottle." Scott says.

"Scott, maybe we should just go." Stiles suggest, seeing that one of Scott's hands is clawed out.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now