Season Three: Fireflies

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So, we set off into the woods to find Boyd and Cora. We split up. Scott, than me and Derek together. Fun!

He wanted me with him so he can, and I quote, 'keep an eye on me'. Such a Dick.

"You lost them," Derek says to Scott through the phone.

"Ya, I kind of had to. " I hear Scott say.

I grab the phone from Derek and yell, "Wasn't exactly the plan Oz."

"Did you just quote Buffy?" Scott asks.


Derek grabs the phone and Scott continues.

"I know. Which is why we should stick together. Trust me. He's too strong, too fast, and-and way too angry for one person to handle. We've gotta do this together."

"Look, we're at the trail by the entrance of the preserve. Meet us here."

"Ya, just gotta drop something off first."

Derek than hangs up. Sensing his frustration, shock, you name it, I sigh. He turns to look at me.

"What?" I ask rudely.

"Nothing. I just love the shade of Bitch you're wearing." Derek says.

Did he, Derek Hale, just call me a bitch?

I scoff. "Wow Derek. You really know how to make a girl feel special."

"It's what I'm good at."

I mock a laugh. "Just, don't talk to me the rest of the night 'kay?"



So, we're chasing after the two rabid wolves. We stop when Derek finds a trail.

"Is it them?" Scott asks.

"We're not the only ones that decided to stick together." Derek states.

"Is that gonna make it easier or harder to catch them?"

"I don't know."

"Derek...I saw Boyd try to rip two little kids apart. Are they gonna do that to everyone they find?"

Derek pauses than answers with, "Everyone and anyone."


We called on reinforcements, AKA Isaac, the kid that wears a scarf at night. Like seriously, he's wearing a scarf.

I follow a growl and see Cora throw Isaac into a tree. That's gotta hurt. Scott and I jump over Isaac and attack Cora. She lands on the ground. The three of us growl as she growls back.

Derek shows himself and growls. Cora takes off, Isaac, Derek, and I following. The thing is, we lose her.

We stop by a tree and Scott gets a call from Stiles.

Conversation short: Lydia found a dead body.

"That doesn't make any sense." Derek argues.

"He's right." I agree. "The public pool is all the way on the other side of the woods. We haven't tracked them anywhere near them."

"Guys, they killed someone." Scott says.

"How are they moving so fast?" Derek asks.


"They can't be that fast on foot."

"They killed someone. Some totally, innocent kid, is dead, and it's our fault."

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now