Season Three: Anchors

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I wake to my alarm clock going off. School. Ya! It's been about three weeks since the fight with Ugly Bitch AKA the Darach and three weeks since I've seen Derek. But, he does call me whenever he can.

I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower than get dress. I wear skinny jeans and a black tank with my leather jacket. I straighten my hair than put on a pair of boots.

I walk down the stairs and see Isaac eating cereal at the breakfast table.

"Morning Curly," I say, pecking him on the cheek.

"Morning Tess." He says.

Since he's living with us, he's grown to be my second brother. Well, third if you include Stiles.

"So, you and Allison." I start, moving my eyebrows up and down.

"You and Derek." He smirks, doing the same thing with his eyebrows.


"But you love me."

"Maybe. Oh, you might want to talk to Scott about the whole Allison thing."

"Why? Is he mad at me?"

"No...Just make sure he's cool with it."

"I'll do that right now."

He than gets up and puts his bowl in the dishwasher than walks upstairs to talk to Scott. I than hear my mom come in.

"You just set him up, didn't you?" She asks.

"Of course not," I reply, taking a bite of my apple.

"You, with me, now."

I shrug but follow her upstairs. We get there just in time to see Scott throw Isaac against that hallway wall. I start laughing.

"Tessa." Momma scolds.

"Oh come on. It was funny." I defend.

"Hey," mom starts. "You two supernatural teenage boys. Don't test my entirely unsupernatural level of patience."

She than points at Isaac, moves her fingers up twice, than leaves. Weird momma I have.

"Feeling better." Isaac asks Scott.

"Ya." Scott says than leaves his room and goes downstairs.

Isaac stands up and walks over to me.

"Did my pain amuse you?" He asks.

"Yep. I'll make it up to you. I'll drive you to school. Let's go."

Sexy Camero time!


Once I got to school, I part ways with Isaac in search for Stiles. I find him immediately.

"Stilinski!" I yell.

"Hey Tess." He says.

I catch up to him and ask,

"Are you okay?"

"Help me find Scott."

"Let's go."

We than go in pursuit for Scott. As you can tell, I'm very normal. Or energetic. Or happy. I'm myself. I noticed that I kind of lost my self due to all the supernatural events. But...I'm back!

Anyways, we find Scott outside, walking downstairs and looking behind him. Weird.

"Hey, hey." Stiles says, placing his hands on Scott's shoulders.

"Are you alright Scotty?" I ask.

Scott nods.

"Well you don't look alright." I tell him.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now