Season Two: Omega

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I wake to the sound of a scream. I jump out of bed and realize that I'm alone.

"Stupid Alpha werewolf buisness." I mutter.

I quickly get dressed and head out the door, going to the place where Stiles most likely is.


Scott and I are currently waiting for Stiles in his jeep. He soon comes in with a hospital gown.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott asks.

Stiles nods.

"We're not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." I reassure him.

"Alright. Just shove that thing in your faces and let's find her." Stiles says.

Stiles starts the jeep just in time to see Allison. Great. She isn't on my favorite persons list right now.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks. "Someone's gonna see us."

Ya. Argent forbid them to see each other so they're secretly dating. Romeo and Juliet if you ask me.

"I don't care. She's one of my best friends and we need to find her before they do."

"We can find her before the cops can."

"How 'bout before my father does."

"He knows?" Stiles asks.

"Ya, I just saw him and three other guys leaving my house in two SUVs."

"Search party." Scott says.

"More like a hunting party." I say.

"Get in." Scott says.

She gets in and smiles at me while I just nod.

"If she's turning, will they actually kill her?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything. All they say is we'll talk after Kate's funeral. When they others get here."

"What others?"

"I don't know. They won't tell me that either."

"Okay, you're family's got some serious communication issues to work on.........Scott, are we going the right way?"

Scott's head is currently sticking out the window. He's trying to catch Lydia's scent. He's a disgrace to werewolves.

"Take the next right." I say.

Scott gives me a look.

"What? I don't need to stick my head out a window to find a scent." I defend.

"Are we good?" Allison asks me.

I sigh. "Well, if I put myself in your position, I don't know what I would've done either. So ya, we're good. But, if you shoot me again, we're gonna have a problem."

She hugs me.

"I know this is a lot to ask but could you come to Kate's funeral with me?"

"You're pushing it...But, to show my support, why not?"

"Thank you."

I nod.


Lydia's scent led us to the Hale House.

"Maybe she came here like she was......looking for Derek." Allison suggests.

"You mean, looking for an Alpha?" Scott asks.

"Wolves need a pack right? But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is that an instinct to be part of a pack?"

"Ya. We're stronger in packs." I answer.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now