Season Three: The Divine Move

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Lydia sits to my right, Scott to my left, and Isaac to his left. We're at the Sheriff's station and are being called in one by one to be questioned.

"Tessa." Sheriff calls.

I stand and follow him into his office. He motions for me to take a seat on the couch and I do. He sits next to me and Deputy Parrish begins the questioning.

"Can you tell us what happened." He softly asks.

"It- it happened so fast." I begin quietly. "They tried to take the car." I recite what Argent told us to say.


"I don't know. Th-they were wearing masks. It happened so fast. The next thing I knew, Al- Al- she was in Scotty's arms."

"Alright, I think that's enough. You may leave." Parrish says.

I nod and stand as the Sheriff guides me out of the office. I take my seat beside Scott and Sheriff calls,


She stands and goes into the office.

Scott, Isaac, and I just sit in silence. I lean my head on Scott's shoulder than wrap my arm around Scott and reach to Isaac. I than bring my right hand up and pull the two towards me.

Isaac grabs my right hand with his left as Scotty wraps his right arm around me. We sit in that awkward position for a few minutes.

"Tess." Scott says.

I lift my head up and he nods to in front of me. I turn and see Derek at the front desk.

"How would he know?" I quietly ask as I bring my hands to myself.

"Stilinski probably called him." Isaac says.

I raise to my feet as Derek approaches to three of us. He looks at me than his eyes drift over to the shocked and sad Scott and Isaac.

"Sheriff called." Derek explains.

I nod.

"Wanna come help me cauterize the twin's wounds?" Derek asks.

"I think I should sta-" I try bit Scott cuts me off.

"You should go Tess." Scott says.

I look to him as he continues.

"We'll be fine. We'll call you when we have something."

He gives me a reassuring look and I give in. I kiss his cheek than do the same to Isaac.

"Bye." I say to the two.

I than turn to Derek who's been quietly standing there and say,

"Can I do it?"

Derek smiles a little and nods. He puts his arm around my waist and turns. I lean into him and wrap my arms around him as we exit the station.


On the way to the loft, Derek didn't ask me what happened and I was greatful. Halfway there I opened up and told him.

We than got to the loft and went inside where there were two boys in terrible condition. I proceeded to scold Derek for not treating them as soon as he brought them here.

He said he wanted to check on me and that I was more important than the twins. For saying that, I hit him. Why? Because my safety was in check while the twins were dying.

Anyways, a shirtless Ethan sits on the table in the loft as Derek places a lighter on his back to get rid of his wounds. Aidan and I are standing by the window- Aidan already healed.

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now