Season Three: Tattoo

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So, Stiles, Scott, and I are currently in a tattoo parlor. Why? Scotty's getting a tattoo.

"Boy," the tattoo dude says. "Good thing you drew me a picture."

Scott, who is sitting in the chair, smiles at the guy.

"Hey Scott." Stiles says.

Scott and I turn to him as he continues.

"Sure you don't want something like this?"

He flips a piece of paper around to revealing a drawing of a lizard guy with a tail. Aka the Kanima. Scott and I give him an unimpressed look.

"Too soon?" He asks and looks down at it and adds, "Ya...I don't man, are you sure about this? I mean, these things are pretty permanent."

"I'm not changing my mind." Scott says.

"Okay. But, why two bands?" I ask.

"I just like it."

"But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, or something?" Stiles asks.

"Getting a tattoo means something." Scott defends.

"I don't think that's-"

"He's right." Tattoo guy cuts Stiles off. "Tattoo goes back thousands of years. The Tahetion word tattoo means to leave a mark, like a...right of passage."

"Ya, you see." Scott tells Stiles. "He gets it."

"He's covered in tattoos Scott." Stile points out. "Literally."

"Okay, you ready?" Tattoo guy asks Scott.

Scott nods.

"You int got any problems with needles, do ya?"


The guy the tattoo.

"I get a little screamish though wha-" Stiles faints.

"I got him." I say.


We get into the jeep, Stiles with an ice pack on his head. Suddenly Scott starts groaning.

"You okay?" Stiles asks.

"It kind of burns." Scott explains.

"Yes. You just had your skin stabbed about a hundred thousand times...with a needle."

"Ya, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this."

Scott than grunts in pain louder.

"No, it's defiantly not supposed to feel like this...I gotta take this thing off." Scott says, referring to the gauze.

"No, no Scott. I don't think...Scott, please Scott." Stiles begs.

Scott unravels the gauze just in time to see the tattoo heal.

"Whao, whoa." Stiles voices.

"Ah no. What!? Awe come on." Scott whines.

It than heals all the way.

"It healed." Scott states.

"Thank God. I hated it." Stiles confesses.

Scott shoots him a look.


"That was the biggest waste of time in my life. Besides all the time I spent with Derek." I say.

"At least you didn't spend 100 bucks for nothing." Scott says.

I sigh.


A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now