Author's Note

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Okay, I hate when people do Authors Notes but now I'm doing it. Today is my first day of summer break and I've been thinking about my story. I was thinking about going through all the chapters and get rid of the idea that Tessa and Derek are True Mates. I was thinking about just having them being boyfriend and girlfriend.

It's not going to change the next chapters cause I already have them written, not typed. It's not even going to change my story. I just kind of don't like the idea of it anymore. How Tessa feels Derek's pain and they can heal each other. I don't know. But Tessa is still gonna have green eyes, I like that.

Please comment or write on my message board.

Comment 'yes' for change or 'no' for no change.

Nothing is going to change. Only the parts that have True Mates mentioned. So, when Derek explains to Tessa about it in 'The Tell', I'll change it to them explaining how they feel about the other.

I don't like changing things when they're already written but I'm not feeling it anymore.

I'm checking all the comments and messages tomorrow around 12 and that'll be the dead line. I'm going with what you guys say. If more say 'yes' to change, than I'll change. If more say 'no' than I won't change.

It's all in your hands. I'll update either tomorrow or sometime this weekend.

Sorry for this!


Makenzie :)

A Twist of Fate -Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now