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I push my way through the thick crowd, searching for the exit. Thankfully, I don't have to look for long when I see it's not that far away thanks to a flashing neon sign.

The breeze from outside blows against my skin as I climb the stairs and run out of the club. It's gone cold and I shiver uncontrollably, but I keep going, not wanting to stop. I didn't grab my jacket from behind the bar on my way out and I'm agitated with myself. This clearly is not my night.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I push on. I don't have money or a phone, and I know Ray told me not to leave the club without him, but I didn't have a choice.

I don't know Lanten or where I'm going. It's an alien town, so different from anything I'm used to. One minute I'm walking through brightly lit streets teeming with people, and then the next I'm walking down a dark, deserted street.

I try to remember where Ray left his car. Maybe I could wait by it until someone comes. Right now, all I want is to tuck myself into bed and forget tonight ever happened. Even though I don't think I will be able to forget him.   

After ten minutes of walking alone under the dim street lamps, I turn a corner of a street and sigh with relief when I see the old pubs from before. Except now, they look ten times scarier. I go over to the space we parked, but to my horror, Ray's car is gone.

"Shit!" I push my hands through my hair. "You have got to be joking?"

I look around for the car thinking maybe I got it wrong. It isn't anywhere to be seen and Ray's car stands out. It's green. I don't understand. I know I'm in the right street.

Did he leave me?

I don't think he would do that after telling me to wait in the club for him. But he's been sketchy lately. Who the hell knows?

I groan angrily. It doesn't help that I'm freezing. I could go back, but I just don't want to. Going back to the club feels like a bad idea. Not after what happened with that guy. I start thinking on a way I can get home. I know there's a train station somewhere. Maybe I could sneak on one of the trains.

Not entirely pleased with my plan, I walk down another street, this one with less light. My heels click on the pavement as I walk. I don't know where the train station is, but it's better than just standing here panicking.

Music from the clubs die around me. It's now quiet, the weather having gotten worse, the tree branches now swishing crazily from the wind.

Shivering, I walk for another five minutes when I hear the rumble of a car. Glancing over my shoulder, I frown when a black mustang crawls beside me, its tinted windows hiding the driver's identity. Great. All I need now is some haunting music, a blast of thunder, and I'll be in my very own horror movie.

The window rolls down, and my eyes widen when I see him sat in the driver's seat. The guy I was making out with. I swallow hard when I see the annoyed look in his eyes as he says, "Get in."

I blink in shock. "What?"

His eyes darken in a way that makes me shiver. Gathering by how he's glaring at me, running away pissed him off.  "Do you always follow girls in cars?"

He breathes a laugh of exasperation. "No, I don't. But I would like it if you got in my car."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I will come and get you myself."

My stomach clenches with more excitement. Surely, he has better things to do than to harass a seventeen-year-old, being the owner of a club, and all. Is he angry that I got into his club or is this for something else?

The Wolf CaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang