CHAPTER 30 *Unedited*

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"I want to go out," I sigh as I sit on Colton's couch—the only thing I didn't destroy—in the living room. Maybe I hadn't touched the couch because it was where he marked me all that time ago...

I smile at the memory, remembering how I thought he was a nut job, but not being able to keep my own mouth away from him.

I shiver into a big blanket that is wrapped around me like a cocoon. My body is on fire, but I'm freezing.

Probably not the best idea going out with a high temperature and a fever, but I'm so restless and eager to go out. Do something, anything. It would be better than sitting here thinking about turning into a dog.

Since going mad on Colton's place, I feel less stressed but it didn't keep the angry feeling stirring in the pit of my stomach away completely. It feels like I should be somewhere else but I don't know where.

Colton is sat next to me on the couch mumbling into another brand new phone Toby got for him. He has a catalogue in front of him of home improvements and is in the process of ordering new furniture to replace the stuff I wrecked.

I can't help but smile as I watch him. He's back to being in control Colton, looking all business-like and fiery. I sure as heck did a number on the bedroom. It's that bad it's unsafe for us to go in it.

Ray was proud. When he seen it he gave me a high five and a lollipop.

Colton hadn't left my side once all day and insisted I rest while his pack people cleared out the house of all the broken things and all of her things.

I hadn't met them yet, in fact, it seemed Colton was controlling who was allowed to be in the same room as me. Maybe it was because the last time they saw me, I was in the process of destroying a table and a kitchen.

It was like operation eliminate Jenny today, and to be honest, I couldn't help but notice how chilled Colton looked, like it was lifting a huge weight from his shoulders. The only thing that wasn't being eliminated was Jenny herself, but that was to come in good time.

The bitch will pay and not in a good way because I didn't want to be a werewolf. There was a lot to learn about the werewolf world I was about to enter, and honestly all this hype about shifting into a wolf had just like having a real bad flu.

I knew Colton was holding back telling me things until after I shifted, I knew there was so much to his world I had yet to learn.

But, I was also worried that Jenny would get away with it because of being a treason hoe and walking with moonwalkers just like her father.

I had a lot of questions to ask Colton after all of this, like why hadn't he asked the council for help over Marcus, and what was with his freak-out over my royalty blood?

"It's the full moon tomorrow," Toby said then, interrupting my thoughts and answering me.

I looked over to see him standing over by the window looking out. Ray was stretched out on Colton's other couch, snoring annoyingly loud.

Ray and Toby haven't left my side either and Mike came in and out to take blood samples. I think it was safe to say I now resembled a druggie with all the bandages on my arms and extreme bad hair.

"I don't think going out will be such a good idea, since you're about to get a tail," Toby teased.

"Ugh!" I scrunched up my face and threw one of Colton's really expensive looking cushions at him, it hit him in the back. But a tail? I was going to have a freaking tail? Where would it come from? Now that was a scary thought that I didn't want to dwell on.

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