CHAPTER 29 *Unedited*

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The waiting game for the full moon fills me with a crippling anxiety that won't go away. To make matters worse time moves so slowly and I feel like I've been in hell for an eternity.

I heal quickly, but that doesn't stop the pain, the hallucinations or the fever. I can't keep food or my temperature down.

Mike continues taking samples of my blood every day. But anything that comes back doesn't help the fact that I'm going to become a werewolf and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

If the physical side of transforming into a moonwalker isn't bad enough, there's also the anger that's growing inside of me that I have to try and deal with.

My emotions are all over the place and it's overwhelming. Deep down I'm worried that Colton will realise that I'm not worth it after all.

The past few days I've seen a new side to him. A caring side that I didn't know he possessed. He hasn't left my side once and has been looking after me, getting me everything I need and more.

But is this enough for him?

I'm on strict bed rest by his orders, but I'm getting frustrated being stuck in a room staring at all of her things.

I frown, my anger slowly bubbling away, like any minute I could just snap. I hate being this unpredictable.

Toby is sitting on a chair on the furthest side of the room, occupying his time with his phone. He's on Layla duty while Colton takes a shower and makes a few phone calls, or something like that. I wasn't really listening.

I've been too wrapped up in my fever to notice much of what is going on around me, and the hours that past feel like a blur.

I look over at Toby again, who is now slouching in the chair with his long legs sprawled out in front of him. He yawns, flipping his phone off and glancing at me. His eyebrows raise.

"You're awake?"

"Usually when people have their eyes open, they are," I retort, not really meaning to snap, but not being able to help it either. I sigh and sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes. I feel restless and sick of this dull pain in my shoulder. "Can I borrow your phone?"

"Why?" he asks, standing.

"I want to call Ray," I mumble. Not like it's any of his business.

I need to know what Ray is going to tell our parents. I was grounded and it is my birthday next week. I also want to make amends with him. I need his help. He's the only one who has been through this. He doesn't get to walk out and leave me.

"Ray won't answer calls from my phone. I've already tried." He hands me his phone and I flip through his contacts to find my brothers number.

"I need to try..." I put the phone to my ear. It rings out and it frustrates me. When his voicemail came on, I grit my teeth. "Stop being moody and answer your phone you dick!"

I hang up and pass the phone back in agitation. Toby sits down on the bed next to me, looking wary for a moment. "You're not going to have another hallucination are you?"

I shoot him a glare, feeling a snarky reply about to roll off my tongue, but Toby is saved when the bedroom door opens and Colton walks inside.

He's freshly showered and in clean clothes. He looks good, as ever, wearing a pair of black jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

I scowl, because I know I look awful.

Mike is behind him looking his usual nerdy self. I've learned that Mike is human and part of a small group of humans that are allowed to know about the existence of werewolves to study them.

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