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Speeding down the road in Colton's car, my body feels completely numb. It takes me a few moments to think straight, and when I do, I start laughing. I laugh even though nothing about this situation is funny. But then, I don't know what else to do. I don't know how I feel, only that I know it's horrible, and laughing is better than admitting I messed up tonight.

After a few moments, I calm the hysteria down and attempt to get it together. But I can't ignore the ache in my chest and my stomach clenching uneasily because I left.

Of course, I had to leave. I stole Colton's car to get away, which is stupid and crazy, but I had to go. I did the right thing. It's not the brightest idea, and I know there might be consequences for my actions, but for now, I'm happy to be on my way home after figuring it out by the road signs where I was. The outskirts of Lanten. Not that far from the main road.

Now that I'm on the right road, my traitor mind wonders how pissed Colton is that I stole his car.

Is he going to hunt me down?

I frown. I hope not. I don't know how I'd cope seeing him again so soon after what happened between us. Not to mention seeing him change into an animal.

Unless he has a guard dog with the same eye colour his went before biting me, whatever that thing was, I'm glad I sped away when I did.

But then that means it's official. I'm finally going crazy like Gran. She always says she sees things. That there are things in this world to be shit scared of. Monsters, as she calls them. That's why she's in a nursing home on lots of pills.

The sky is getting lighter as morning comes. I'm thankfully almost home. I know how to drive thanks to Ray, but I haven't passed my test yet. I slow down just in case. The last thing I need is a cop pulling me over and asking me to step out of the car in Colton's t-shirt with no shoes on.

Glancing anxiously in the rear-view mirror, I'm thankful when I don't see any other car on the road. I take the smaller roads home, avoiding the main highway for cops and traffic.

Absently, I find myself rooting through his car, pulling open compartments and digging inside to see what I might find.

Not much. Loose change, a bank card with the name Colton Dawson on it, a pen, and a few receipts from the gas station. Also, a Guns n Roses CD, which surprises me because they're my all-time favourite band. I don't know why that makes me happy.

So, we have the same taste in music. Big whoop. He's still an ass.

After finding a pair of sunglasses, I put them on, pulling the wrapper off a cola lollipop I found with my teeth. When the flavor bursts on my tongue, I groan. Also, a favourite of mine, which Colton happens to have a secret stash of. Maybe he's a smoke quitter.

The sun has risen by the time I drive into my hometown, finally pulling into the driveway of my house behind Ray's car. So, he is home.

As soon as I cut the engine, the front door swings open and Ray storms outside. The fury in his eyes is enough to make me want to back up and go to McDonald's for breakfast instead. I know I'd have to face him at some point, but I haven't thought of what to say.

Reluctantly, I open the door and climb out.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demands, pointing his finger at me. Does he have to do this in our driveway at six-thirty in the morning?

"Morning to you, too," I grumble in response.

"Do you not realize how worried I've been?" He glares at me. "I thought you'd been murdered, Layla. I told you not to leave the club and then you disappear off the face of the earth. I've been freaking out. You have no idea how close I was to calling the police and our parents!"

I nibble on my bottom lip with guilt that I didn't think to call him to ease his mind. I could have used Colton's phone when I saw him with it, but it didn't cross my mind. How could it when I was too busy pushing my tongue down his throat?

But then I remember Ray's car not being where it was supposed to be. "Hang on a minute. You left me."

"What? No, I didn't," he denies. "Why didn't you answer your phone? Where have you been?"

I cross my arms, remembering what I'm wearing and blush. "Can we talk inside? Please?"

Ray looks down at Colton's t-shirt and his eyebrows rise questioningly. Then he looks at the car and panic flows through me.

"Who's cars that?" I lock the car with the key and make my way inside, Ray closely following behind me. "Who's car is that, Layla?"

I turn to him, desperately wanting to go upstairs and collapse into bed from exhaustion. "I got into some trouble at the club. I went back to your car to wait, but it wasn't there."

"Why weren't you with your stupid friends?" he asks. "Vicky and Tasha got kicked out by the owner. Jared took my car to drive them back. Toby and I stayed behind looking for you. They said you disappeared. We stayed until the place closed at four. I thought maybe you'd have gone to the train station and come home or something so we took a cab back. Seriously Layla, where have you been and why didn't you at least call me or something?"

Colton kicked Tasha and Vicky out of the club? He didn't kick me out. He kissed me instead. "I got caught, too. Well, I was dancing and then some guy tried it on with me. That's when the owner showed up. He saved me."

"Did he kick you out?"

I bite my lip, wondering how to explain. There was a lot I can't tell Ray. "Kind of. I went to look for the train but couldn't find it. He was driving by and took me back to his place. That's his car. I left my phone and money at the club. I had no choice."

His eyebrows furrow. "So, you're telling me you got in the car with some old dude claiming to be the owner of the club?"

"Old? No. He's twenty-two and does own it."

"You've met Colton?"

I blink a few times. " know him?"

Ray scoffs. "Everyone knows him. He's... never mind. Why do you have his car? Did he just give you the keys to his pride and joy this morning and wave goodbye?"

I knew he'd ask that. "Well, no. I kind of stole it. But it's not as bad as it sounds. I'll give it back."

He looks horrified. "You are fucking joking, right? Why would you steal his car?"

"He'll get it back. Can we talk more later? I'd like to go to bed."

I go to turn around, but he stops me. I'm tired and really want to go to bed. But then, I should have known my brother wouldn't leave it at that.

Ray continues to poke and prod me with questions that I answer with either a yes or a no. He tries to get me to tell him what possessed me to steal Colton's car, but I can't tell him the truth, so I just say that I panicked and really wanted to come home—which isn't exactly a lie.

I know he doesn't buy it and he's suspicious, but I refuse to tell him my business when he doesn't tell me his.

After persuading him that I'm fine, he eventually calms down and I'm free to run upstairs and escape to my bedroom. I immediately collapse on my bed and fall straight asleep with Colton's face floating in my dreams. That's before I seen turn into a wolf.

No. I didn't see that.

There's nothing like that in this world. Nothing strange or messed up. Just the people in it.

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