CHAPTER 28 *Unedited*

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Change, it happens to everyone. It's all part of growing up and finding yourself. Finding your place in this world where you belong.

If anyone were to tell me that my fate was to become a werewolf, well, I would have laughed in their faces.

Who knew change was painful? Who knew that my life would take a violent turn?

It's all happening too quick. I never knew this would happen, not in a million years.

My swollen eyes open. I can barely see. My vision is blurred it's hard to make out my surroundings, but at least I know I'm still in Colton's office, my body was on the cold floor still unfound.

If I know before what was in store for me, I wouldn't have bothered opening my eyes...

The only thing I can feel is dull heartbeat thudding off my chest. What Carlos just did to me is bad. Really bad.

I'm lying flat on my stomach on Colton's floor were Carlos left me. My head is to the side and I can't help but scrape my fingernails against the wooden floor, leaving claw marks on the surface.

I don't know why it comforts me, but it does. I'm wrapped in despair, tears falling freely from my eyes.

Blood, the metallic taste is hot and disgusting in my mouth. Maybe I'm about to bleed out and die. Maybe this is how my life is supposed to end.

I don't know how long I've been lying here until I can finally hear the drumming of footsteps underneath my ear.

Angry shouting can be heard beyond the door, words I can't make out. I can't focus.

Just as I see Colton enter his office, I drift into darkness, my thoughts blacking out completely.

Silence smothers me. I wanted to stay awake, to see Colton and tell him who did this to me, but my brain wants to shut off. It wants to hide me from the horrors of my beaten and broken body.

I can hear muted yelling, but I can't wake up. I'm too comfortable now to wake up. I like the darkness.

"Come on Layla, wake up."

My heartbeat continues to thud irregularly and slowly.

Do I really want to wake up and face this? Do I really want to come back to a world so messed up?

I shake my head, or at least, I think I do. No. I want to wake up, I don't want to die. Even if living is painful.

I want to see Colton again, regardless of the fact that his girlfriend did this to me, the girlfriend he won't dump for revenge against her father.

I want to see my older brother again, my friends and god forbid, even my parents.

"Wake up, please. You can't leave me."

I frown. That sounds like Colton. Is it Colton, or is it just a plot to get me to wake up and face all this unknown pain, to face becoming something I should never be?

Carlos bit me while he was a moonwalker, which means I will become a moonwalker.

I can feel his venom already flowing like ice through my veins. Colton will hate me if I become this. A creature like the one that killed his parents.

"Just open your eyes, tell me you're okay."

My heart drops. I want to see him, to tell him I didn't mean for this to happen. That I didn't mean to become something he hates.

I need to go back to him. I can't give up. I won't give up until Jenny is lying in a grave, stone cold dead.

I hate her and what she's done to me, for what she made Carlos do to me. The bitch is working with moonwalkers and I need to tell Colton.

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