CHAPTER 19 *Unedited*

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Colton's here. He's here and he's taking Kyle outside by his neck. I wonder, briefly, if my mind has somehow made him up, because I'm not sure how he's here. How he knew where I was. It's like he's come out of nowhere once again. 

A gasp leaves my mouth when he flings him head-first out of the front door. With his fists clenched by his sides, he storms after him as Kyle tries pathetically to scramble up from the ground.

I'm not sure, as I walk outside after them, if I should stop it. He's attracted a small crowd already, people forming a large circle to watch. I don't make a move to interfere, because deep down, I don't want to stop it.

With very little effort, he grabs Kyle and forces him to stand. Until they're face to face. "I think somebody needs to learn manners."

My insides shudder when I see his eyes alight with anger. But, at the same time, there's something dangerously calm about him. Like he knows how easy of a target Kyle is. But he then does something I least expect. He turns his head to find me, and when his eyes land on me, he asks silent permission.

I nod.

"Get the hell off me!" Kyle shouts, and I cringe because I know that aggression all too well. "This is assault!"

Colton easily twists his arm up his back when he tries to hit him. Yelling out with pain, Kyle tires to get away, but he doesn't let go. 

"Never touch a girl when she doesn't want you to," he says, twisting his arm further up his back. Kyle yells out in agony and my insides jolt. How many times have I dreamed of getting back at him for hurting me? I lost count. And here Colton is, doing just that.

"Stop, please!"

"When she says no, she means fucking no." I hear a crack and it's followed with a yell that makes even the crowd gasp. I swallow hard, knowing his arm is probably broken. I shouldn't be enjoying this but I am. I can't help it.  Colton turns him to face him. "And, finally..."

Kyle's eyes go wide with fear as he starts struggling. "No, please. I'm sorry! I won't go near her again, I promise—"

"If you ever touch her again," he says menacingly. "I promise you'll wish you were never born." Lifting his arm, he suddenly punches Kyle so hard he flies back onto the ground with a thud. He doesn't move after, knocked out cold.

There're whispers all around me as Colton turns to look at me once again. Before I know what's happening, my legs move on their own. When I get close enough, I throw my arms around his neck and hug him close to me. 

His addictive scent almost knocks me out cold and I sigh with relief as his arms wrap around me and he hugs me back. Why is this so right with him?

"Thank you," I whisper into his neck.

Burying his head in the crook of my neck, he takes a deep breath. My eyes flutter closed when his lips brush against my neck. Remembering we have an audience, he pulls away. "Ready to go?"


"You're not staying here," he says, taking my hand. "And I won't take no for an answer."

He pulls me toward his car that's parked on the curb. I stop. "What about your other car?"

"I'll get Toby to pick it up."

I nod, but it's in that moment, I hear someone yell, "Layla!" behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Vicky pushing herself through the crowd, her angry eyes on me. Sighing with frustration, I turn back to Colton. "I'll be right back."

He leans against the bonnet of his car as I make my way over toward the girl I thought was my best friend, knowing if I don't do this now, I never will. Even more of a crowd has gathered now, even Tasha, Matty and my other friends. Kyle is still sprawled on the floor, and although people are looking at him, nobody has gone to help him.

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