CHAPTER 24 *Unedited*

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My parent's arrival couldn't have come at a worse time. In fact, they both deserve a medal for the stupidest time to show up ever.

My mother is currently hugging Ray and sobbing into his chest while he just stands and awkwardly pats her on the back.

"Oh, my babies, I've missed you both so much," she cries.

My very tanned and tall father rolls his eyes and laughs as he takes hold of my mother's arm and gently pulls her away from Ray, who looks relieved.

"Come on, Joanna. Leave the poor boy alone," my father says, shaking his head at my mother's dramatic emotion.

I fight my hardest not to giggle at Ray's face, which has remained completely blank throughout the whole painful reunion.

It's weird seeing my parents both here. But it's what usually happens. They leave and turn up a few months later, expecting things to go back to normal before they leave again.

I'm used to it now, and like I said before, my parents aren't a part of my life, they're just there.

This time, however, their arrival isn't appreciated. I'm finding it really hard wrapping my head around the fact that my parents are home and don't have a clue about what's been going on with their kids.

The amount of weird stuff that has happened and what I've found out in the past few weeks has blown me away.

Anything else now just seems pointless, including the parent thing. It's like they shouldn't even be here.

Having something normal enter my life actually makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. My parents being here reminds me how much my life has spiralled completely out of control since meeting Colton, and I don't know whether it was a good thing or not.

My mother finally calms down, though I'm suspicious her display was just crocodile tears.

Eventually, she remembers me and look my way with a beaming smile on her face.

"Oh, Layla, honey, you've grown up so much," she coos. "Very womanly."

I stiffen when she takes me into her arms then and hugs me tightly. She lets out another fake sob and I tap her on the back super awkwardly.

After a few minutes, she pulls away again and looks down at my body.

"You're taking after your mother in the chest department, I see."

"Mum!" I protest, throwing my hands over my chest area and avoiding eye contact with my now amused brother.

People always say I look like mother, and Ray looks like our dad. Honestly, I see very little resemblance to my perfectly... enhanced mother.

She smiles and places her handbag on the counter top, sighing deeply as she looks around the kitchen.

She turns back towards me and once again her eyes trail down my body, like she's  inspecting me or something.

"I'm happy to see you're almost growing out of your gothic stage, honey. It never suited you."

I roll my eyes as my father steps forward and takes me into his arms then. I hug him awkwardly back, but I do like him better than my mother right now.

"I hope you've been good."

"As always," I smile as he steps away and ruffles my hair like I'm a child.

He shakes Ray's hand and ruffles his hair also, making Ray roll his eyes.

Ray is huge compared to Dad. Ever since he started going wild with his body art, Dad haa taken a step back from the father, son thing. But I know he still loves us just the same, even if his way of showing is by putting money in our bank accounts.

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