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Pulling my arm from his grip, I stumble back and stare up at Ray's angry face in disbelief. I know he's just saw Colton kiss me outside, but I'm not sure it warrants the anger blaring in his eyes.

"Why were you kissing him?" he demands again, and even though my face burns with embarrassment, I'm angry at him.

"None of your damn business that's why," I snap.

I go to move past him, but he stops me. "Don't walk away from me. Answer the damn question. Why was he kissing you?"

I glare at him, the hurt after what he did to me tonight resurfacing. "Once again, it's none of your business."

"Do you even know who he is?"

"No," I whisper sarcastically. "I have no idea."

He narrows his eyes and unexpectedly punches the wall near to him, cracking the cement. I gasp and jump back, my eyes widening that he's just done that.

"What the hell?" Before I can say anything more, he grabs my arm and pulls me into the living room, eventually throwing me down on the couch. Angered, I slam my fists into the cushions. "What's wrong with you?"

"I knew he didn't come here to give you back your jacket the other day. Not to mention his car is still in our drive. What's been going on?"

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"He's dangerous. Yeah. Dangerous. Want me to spell it out to you?"

"How would you know?" I ask.

"Because I do. End things with him right now. If you don't, I will. I'm not having you getting mixed up with the likes of him!"

My heart pumps furiously in my chest. "You don't get to be the brother. Not after the humiliation you put me through tonight."

"Don't change the subject." He scoffs. "You pack things in with him right now, or I swear to god, I'll—"

"You'll what?" I cut him off, "You'll do what, Ray? Keep me prisoner in the house? You can't do anything and you know it. I think I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"He's dangerous," he repeats.

"Yeah? Well, if I had to choose who to be with right now, I'd choose him. Because at least he doesn't yell at me like this." I stand. "Just leave me the hell alone."

I head for the stairs, but before I leave the room, I hear him groan behind me. Glancing over my shoulder, I see him bend over, his hands wrapping around his stomach. Worried, I go over to him, but he jerks away from me. "Don't."

I frown. "What's going on with you?"

He straightens his back and glances at me, his eyes hard. Distant. "I'm fine. I said just go."

He storms out of the living room, but I get the feeling he's running away. A second later, the front door slams shut. He's gone. I grit my teeth, but I can't help being worried. After staring at the door for a few minutes, I eventually go upstairs, my head hurting so bad after everything that's happened tonight.

I take off my heels and reach for the zipper of my dress once I get to my room. After getting into my pyjamas, I grab my phone and climb into bed. I lie awake for a while, unable to stop replaying Colton's goodbye kiss despite my argument with Ray after. Shamefully, I wonder what he's doing right now and if he's thinking about me like I am him. Even though I shouldn't be.

I shut my eyes and will myself to sleep, but my phone suddenly buzzes, and when I look, my chest squeezes when I see it's a text from him.

What are you doing?

The Wolf CaveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora