CHAPTER 28 *Unedited*

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"This is your fault, Colton!"

My brain jolts awake from the sudden intrusive voice. A pain shoots through my bitten shoulder, stilling me as I begin waking up. I can't move my body, only listen to the argument that is going on around me.

"You did this!" I recognise Ray's angry voice. "How could you just leave her there on her own?"

"Ray, stop." That's Toby's voice, but I hear Ray huffing and puffing like an angry dragon ready to shoot flames from his mouth. I can imagine him even pacing, ready to attack.

"I didn't know this was going to happen to her. I wasn't going to let someone get away with almost shooting her. I thought she would be safe in my office," Colton argues back, his voice edgy.

Ray laughs sarcastically. "My sister is fighting for her life after getting beaten to shit and bitten because you didn't take care of her. You should have made sure she was safe and out of the club. Do you know what your problem is, you're too absorbed in yourself to care about anybody else."

"Ray!" Toby shouts again, obviously trying to calm down my brother.

"Stay out of this," Ray growls and I actually feel my stomach turn from the fierceness of his words.

"Guys," Mike says. "Arguing about this isn't going to help Layla. Everybody just needs to calm down."

I fight to open my eyes, to see what is going on, but nothing is happening. I wish I could see.

"Mike is right," Colton mumbles and I feel a warm hand in mine. I know immediately it's him by the tingles that are now shooting up my arm from his touch. "This isn't the right time to talk about this."

"—Alpha," a new voice calls out from across the room, interrupting the argument. It doesn't sound familiar.

"Did you follow the scent?" Colton asks quickly.

"Yes, sir."

"Who did this to her?" Colton demands and the room goes quiet.

"We followed the scent until it disappeared past Ironer Bay. We suspect the moonwalker that did this to Layla was picked up in a car, so we could no longer follow it. We decided to go back to your office, to search for anything else. We discovered another scent, one we missed."

"Another scent...who?" I feel my insides twist and tighten.

"This scent was recent sir, like the other, and it led straight to Jenny."

The room goes even quieter. I'm sure if you dropped a pin to the floor you could hear it.

"Was Jenny in your office at all today?" Toby breaks the silence.

My heart curls in anger at even the thought of her anywhere near Colton in his office. I'm fed up of that bitch, this is all her fault.

"No, she never goes in my office."

"If she was involved in this, I will kill you." Ray's threat rings in my ears harshly. I need to wake up, now. I try moving but it's useless. Something inside of me is screaming out in anger, boiling my blood past crazy.

"I think Layla is waking up."

"Layla?" Colton asks worriedly, his voice close. I can feel his hand on my forehead, lightly brushing my hair away. I want to see him, no, I need to see him.

Finally, the lock keeping my eyes closed springs free and I'm able to open my eyes and take in my dim surroundings.

The lamp that is on in Colton's room blinds me for a moment, but my eyes adjust quicker than they usually would.

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