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"The time is 12:02pm." Luke speaks into the silent, dead darkness. "What's going on out there, Marcus?"

"The Reepers are still roaming. I wonder if they're going to take a break." Marcus informs us, adding his own thoughts along the way. After Marcus speaks, everyone falls quiet, most likely listening and waiting.

"Levi should be back by now." Kaitlyn speaks up, talking for the first time since the accident.

"He may never come back, Kat." Luke tells her, placing a hand on her knee. The only two siblings we have left other than Griffin and I.

"Don't think like that." Cade tells Luke, not quite angry but not quite scared, either. "He has to come back."

"Guys." Griffin whispers, peering out the small window. "They're gone."

Everyone lets out sighs of relief and Marcus falls back against the wall.

"For now." Luke says, straightening his legs out. "They'll be back."

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