The Forgetful Boyfriend

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Shit, that was definitely the first word that popped up into Arthit's mind. The next was that Kongpob was definitely going to be saddened by the fact that Arthit had actually misplaced the gear that had been gifted to him. Then again, he was pretty damn certain that the gear was somewhere in the room.

''Where the hell is it-'' Arthit muttered under his breath, pulling out drawers and flipping through textbooks (just in case, who knows?).

He mostly carried it around with him, but Kongpob didn't need to know that. The kid would probably give him that damned (handsome) smug smile. A few days ago, Arthit had been in a rush and had left it behind. So...where the bloody hell is it? The bed was a mess; the covers pulled back and the pillows tossed to the floor, but still no sign of Kongpob's gear.

Arthit swore under his breath when he tripped over a pile of textbooks. Don't panic. He was a senior for god's sake. But he couldn't bear the thought of seeing the hurt expression on his boyfriend's face. Damn that kid.

His mobile phone vibrated noisily on top of his desk and...speak of the devil. Arthit hesitated for a second, and with a sigh, he picked up the call.

Arthit couldn't help but to grin when his boyfriend greeted him, ''P'Arthit, are you busy? I was thinking of coming over-''

''What? Wait-!'' Arthit cut off quickly. ''I'm...'' He glanced around the messy room, attempting to think of an excuse. ''I'm not back yet.''

Kongpob laughed, definitely amused, ''You do know that I live opposite of you and that I can see you right now, right?'' Arthit automatically looked over to the windows.

Fuck. He hadn't drawn the curtains. His boyfriend waved from opposite, and he couldn't suppress the affectionate smile that threatened to take over his lips.

''Fine. And stop grinning to yourself like an idiot. People are going to think that you're crazy.''

The other arrived in under seven minutes, letting himself in with the spare key. A month ago, Arthit had flippantly passed the spare to Kongpob, muttering, ''So that you won't wake me up with your stupid, loud knocking.'' That wasn't the truth of course. He liked having Kongpob around in his room, fiddling with his stuff and annoying him with incessant chatter.

''What...happened here?''

Kongpob gestured to the mess before he snagged Arthit by the wrist, and the older male tried his best to fight off a sappy smile when the other pressed a fleeting kiss to his cheek. Kongpob held up two drinks; an iced coffee and pink milk.

''Which one do you want?''

''What if I want both?''

''Then I'll give you both.'' Kongpob replied easily, setting the drinks down on the table. ''Have your dinner first. I'll help you clean up.''

Arthit raked his fingers through his already mussed-up hair, ''Kongpob. I...there's something-'' Words stuck his throat, he rubbed his sweaty palms against his jeans.

The younger male was already starting to arrange the textbooks, ''Hm?''

Honestly, Arthit felt ridiculously stupid at that moment. Here he was, a fourth year student, feeling stupidly nervous about admitting to his boyfriend that he had misplaced the gear. He was always so nice and attentive, despite the difficulties that came with dating someone like Arthit.

Mustering up his courage, Arthit slowly slipped over to where Kongpob was standing. Hesitantly, his entire face heating up at the thought of what he's about to do, he circled his arms around the taller male's waist. Kongpob was so startled that he dropped the cup of stationery he was holding, sending pens and pencils scattering onto the table.


Sure, they've been dating for quite some time, but it was always Kongpob who initiated the advances. Arthit couldn't blame him for being surprised. He tightened his grip around the other's waist, resting his forehead between Kongpob's shoulder blades.



''Before you say something stupid, no, I'm not breaking up with you.''

Kongpob's body shook with relieved laughter. Arthit really knew him too well.

''I...'' Arthit exhaled softly. ''I...I might have lost the gear which you gave me.''


''Shit, I'm sorry. I know it means a lot to you. To us. But i swear to god, I didn't mean to-'' He was rambling, but he really didn't want his boyfriend to think that the gear meant nothing to him.

It was then that he realized that Kongpob was laughing.

Affronted, Arhit glared up at him when the other turned around, ''Why the hell are you laughing?! Did you hear what I just said?''

Still laughing, Kongpob slipped a hand into the pocket of his jacket and drew out something; the missing gear. Arthit's eyes widened and he gestured to the gear, overwhelming relief flooding through him at the sight of the accessory.

''How- how did this end up with you?'' He spluttered.

''You must be really stressed with school if you can't remember.'' Kongpob teased, and that earned him a half-hearted glare. ''You passed it to me a couple of days ago, remember?''

Arthit furrowed his brows, attempting to recall.

''You told me there there was going to be some renovation work going on in the room. You were afraid that it might get lost or dirty, so you passed it to me.''

Realization finally dawned on Arthit and he lightly slapped his own forehead at his own forgetfulness. I spent the last two days worrying for nothing!

''Is that why you were acting weird when I called you just now?''

The older male scoffed, ''Shut up. Why would I act weird?'' He retorted, quickly turning around and busying himself with the drinks.

He squirmed when Kongpob easily tugged him into a hug from behind, lacing their fingers together against Arthit's stomach.

''I thought it was cute.''

''If you're going to talk nonsense, get out of my room.''

Kongpob simply hummed, ''Well, since you're my 'wife', your room is my room...''

''Kongpob, I really will throw you out.''

But they stayed like that for a minute or so; Arthit enjoying the simple feeling of being embraced by his boyfriend. He couldn't help but to lean back comfortably against the other.

''P'Arthit, what would you do if I lost the gear you gave me?''

''You dare? I'll make your life hell.'' Arthit threatened, jabbing Kongpob playfully with his elbow, turning around to fully face his taller boyfriend.

Kongpob took it as an opportunity to quickly press a kiss against the corner of Arthit's lips, both of them grinning stupidly when they parted.


Kongpob pressed the gear against Arthit's open arm, leaning in until he was close enough to murmur these words in his boyfriend's ears, ''Take good care of my 'heart', P'Arthit.''

''I really am going to hit you.'' And Arthit grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt, leaning up just a little to brush his lips against Kongpob's, corners of his lips quirking up into a shy smile. ''Now, shut up. Are you going to kiss me or not?''

A/N: This is my first time writing a Arthit/Kongpob oneshot, so I apologize if there's any mistakes whatsoever. Do drop me some comments or suggestions of what you want to see in the next oneshot! (am planning to write a oneshot where there's word going around that a male junior finds P'Arthit cute, and Kongpob gets all possessive ha ha ha).

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