Funny Fate (Bright x Rome)

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Note: For those who requested for more Bright x Rome, here you are. This is a sort of a prequel, and at the same time, a continuation to 'Driving Me Crazy'. This time, we see a slightly more suave version of Bright!


"Rome, stay still. I know you're excited, but the popcorn's going to topple over if you keep squirming." Emma chastised, plucking the large bag of salted popcorn from her best friend's lap to protect it from an unfortunate fate.

"Sorry, Emma! I can't believe that we're watching this movie in 3D." Rome emphasized gleefully, popping a handful of salted popcorn into his mouth. ''I've been waiting for this since the trailer came out last year.''

Anyone friends with Rome would know that he loved anything gore, horror or thriller related. He had the heart and stomach for it, unlike most of his friends. Maybe except for Emma who had the stomach for it as well. Her boyfriend, Porshe, had once watched SAW with them and had almost regurgitated his lunch.

The lights dimmed, the chattering dwindling down to quiet murmuring and then complete silence. The advertisements started to roll.

"Sorry, sorry...coming through. Whoops." A couple was squeezing their way between the rows towards the last two seats next to Rome.

The male accidentally prodded on Rome's foot. "Shit, sorry! Was that your foot?" Man, he sure had a loud voice.

Someone from the back row shushed him.

"The hell are you shushing me for?! They're still showing the advertisements!"

The girl whispered something and pushed him down onto the seat next to Rome, taking the last one for herself. There was the sound of plastic bag crinkling and a bag of potato chips being torn, followed by a loud crunching noise. The advertisements ended, the starting credits rolling a second later.

It was twenty minutes into the movie where the  statue had just toppled onto someone's head, effectively crushing it into a bloody pulp when Rome decided that he couldn't take it any more. For the past ten minutes, the stranger next to him had been munching on his potato chips in an obnoxiously loud manner. Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Rome shifted in his seat and dropped his voice to a low whisper, ''Excuse me, I'm so sorry...but would it be possible for you to, you know, not chew so loud?''

''Sorry.'' He held out the bag of chips. ''Potato chips?''

''No, thank you.''

It remained blissfully quiet for the next fifteen minutes, simply the sound of people being killed in completely drastic ways that involved blood spraying all over the place. And then:

"P'Bright, couldn't you have picked another movie? This is is so gross."

"Gross? Phailan, this is like...epic. Besides, the rest of the movies were sold out.'' The male consolingly patted her on the arm. ''Unless you wanted to watch 'Finding Dory', because yeah, talking fish over blood splatters, why not?''

The girl was obviously not appeased for she spent the next five minutes bitching about what a horrible movie her boyfriend had picked, going on to say that it was gross and tasteless and so not her type.

''I could've gone and gotten a manicure and pedicure for myself-''

Growing increasingly irritated by the second, Rome tapped the male on the shoulder.

"Hi. With all due respect, not to be rude or anything, if your girlfriend's going to complain throughout the whole movie, maybe you should just ask her to leave. I didn't pay 150 baht to hear someone complain about what a shit movie this is." Rome hissed, slouching a little in his chair when the person in front shushed him.

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