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Note: The timeline for this oneshot takes place sometime after the beach trip, depicting the moments between Arthit and Kongpob. It doesn't follow the TV series since I made tweaks/changes to it.Enjoy this short filler oneshot 💝

"Ai'Arthit, drink up! You lost!"

Prem slid over a bottle of beer to Arthit, the rest chanting, "Drink! Drink! Drink!". This was his third bottle for the night, damn his bad luck.

It was no secret that Arthit completely sucked at poker, and even the juniors were kicking his ass. He wasn't much of a heavy drinker like Bright and Toota. Too much beer always made his stomach feel queasy.

But he wasn't one to back down from a challenge, chugging down half the contents of the bottle. The group cheered loudly and Bright started shuffling and dealing the cards again. He tried attempting what he thought was a cool card trick, but it ended up with all the cards flying in different directions.

It didn't come as a surprise when Arthit lost again, Knot handing him a fresh bottle. There was definitely no way Arthit could stomach anymore.

Kongpob, noticing Arthit's uncomfortable expression, inched slightly closer. "P'Arthit, are you alright? I don't think you should drink anymore."

They had gotten closer ever since the trip to the beach. Kongpob still got on his nerves on a daily basis, but Arthit wouldn't enjoy being friends with the other if not for that.

"Come on, Ai'Arthit!"

"I'll drink."

Arthit watched as the younger male snagged the bottle and drank his share, a sense of gratefulness surfacing in him. It was probably the alcohol taking effect, but Arthit thought that Kongpob looked really cool at that moment.

"Thanks." Arthit whispered to Kongpob, shooting him an appreciative smile.

Bright poked his head between them, whispering as well. "What are you two whispering about?"

"We're whispering about what a busybody you are, Ai'Bright."

Arthit couldn't stop sneaking looks at Kongpob throughout the night, a pleasant feeling in the pit of stomach each time their gazes met or whenever the younger male shifted closer to talk to him.

Ever since Kongpob had asked Arthit to take care of his gear, and P'Dear's explanation about what the meaning of the gear was, Arthit was beginning to see the other in a completely different light. He started noticing even the smallest details about Kongpob.

As the night progressed, Arthit became increasingly drunk, his head lolling sleepily against Kongpob's shoulder. So comfortable...and he smells so good too. The rest of the group were too drunk or distracted to notice him resting against Kongpob, except for Knot who smiled knowingly.

"Alright, alright. I think that's enough for tonight." Knot announced, pushing away Bright who was draped all over him, causing his friend to topple off the seat. "I'll bring Ai'Bright home. Ai'Prem, you take Ai'Toota. Kongpob, is it okay if you take care of Ai'Arthit?"

"Sure, P'Knot."

Bright tried to hop up onto Knot's back, but since he was drunk, he completely missed and ended up hugging thin air instead.

Kongpob stood up and pulled Arthit up to his feet. The older male wobbled unsteadily on his feet, automatically reaching for the other to steady himself.

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