The (Somewhat) Jealous Boyfriend

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Being young adults and all in a university, it was common to hear gossip about which juniors the seniors found cute and vice versa. It was nothing serious,mostly harmless fun which resulted in the seniors teasing the freshmen in an attempt to get their numbers.

Now second year students, Kongpob and his group of friends found it amusing that they're actually somewhat popular among the new students. It was both weird and amusing to have the first years come up to them to obtain their signatures; the girls giggling shyly whenever they approached the boys with their notebooks.

The canteen was filled with freshmen trying their best to obtain 1000 signatures by the end of the week. If anything, it was actually a normal sight to find the students carrying out all sorts of weird tasks.

"Thanks for signing my book, P' Kongpob, P'Aim."

The student rejoined her group of friends, chattering excitedly about filling up another page of their notebook.

"How about them? Should we get their signatures?"

"But...they're fourth years. And they look scary. Maybe we should skip them. Let's try another group!"

Kongpob didn't have to turn around to find out which seniors the girls were discussing. Only Arthit and his group of friends could cause such a buzz in the canteen, as intimidating as ever in their black shirts and maroon red uniform.

Both Aim and Oak playfully jostled him, "Look, it's your boyfriend."

His friends wouldn't let him live it down ever since Arthit had publicly admitted that they were indeed dating. The term boyfriend still felt somewhat...surreal, being in the early stages of the relationship and all. Kongpob caught the older male's gaze, offering a cheeky smile as a greeting which resulted in someone turning just slightly pink.

The group walked over to their table, Kongpob and his friends greeting their seniors politely by respectfully clasping their hands together. Arthit's gaze immediately drifted over to the iced coffee on the table. Knowingly, Kongpob wordlessly handed the drink over to the other.

"Look at these two...being so sweet and all." Bright mimicked throwing up, earning a light playful shove on the shoulder.

Prem perched himself against the edge of the table, "Kongpob, want to hear something interesting?"

"What is it, P'Prem?"

The senior crossed his arms against his chest, "A freshman came up to Arthit today to ask for his signature. Word's going around that he finds Arthit cute."

Aim and Oak burst out laughing, though they promptly fell silent when Arthit shot them his infamous glare.

Bright clapped Kongpob on the shoulder with a teasing grin, "You'd better take care of your boyfriend, Kongpob. Or else some lame freshman is going to take him as his 'wife'."

"Fuck. Do you want to die? Have a death wish, huh?" Arthit hissed, jabbing his knee up against the back of his friend's thigh. "Nothing good ever comes out of your mouth."

Knot unhelpfully added in, "He asked for your number too, right?"

Arthit sent him a look that basically read, I thought we agreed not to mention this! He darted a quick look at his boyfriend. The other didn't seem particularly amused at the last part, and a small part of Arthit was secretly...pleased. Right, that was something to think about later.

Oak whispered something to Aim and a few seconds later, the duo excused themselves, "We're going to and get drinks. Kong, do you want anything?"

Bright and Prem, suddenly aware of the sudden shift in the air, hastily offered to get drinks with the other two, leaving the couple behind.

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