Man Of My Dreams (Part 2 - Kongpob x Arthit)

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Note: There is a brief mention of suicide in this part (not Kongpob or Arthit) and how Arthit helps Kongpob deal with the news. Just a heads up.


There are moments where Kongpob wonders if Arthit realizes just how important he is. In a relationship, it's not uncommon for partners to accidentally take each other for granted, and it makes Kongpob think if he's doing enough to show his boyfriend just how blessed he is to have the older male in his life.

Sometimes, to put it plainly, Arthit is like the anchor of stability in the sea of chaos. Kongpob's career is far from smooth-sailing, what with the issues that he has to deal with on a daily basis and the rigidity that comes with being a captain. Arthit dulls and softens his hard edges, draws him out of the work-shell persona that he has no choice but to create for himself, and it's only when he's with Arthit that he can well and truly relax. Be himself. He's captain when he's at work, expected to lead the men beneath him and it's when he strips off his uniform that he can just be Kongpob.

Every strong pillar requires a concrete support, and Arthit is his.

In any situation at work, Kongpob is expected to be the sturdy one. He has to show a strong front so as to soldier on, because he knows that if his men see him at his weakest, they'll lose the motivation to move forward.

Today is one of those days.

It's past two in the morning when Kongpob finally reaches home, numb to the very core. He attributes it to the news that one of his second lieutenants had conveyed to him earlier this afternoon, and everything had passed by in a blur after that. An official announcement was made, arrangements decided on and the rest of the day felt surreal to both he and his soldiers. Death was inevitable, and yet, it didn't make it any easier to accept.

The bedroom door creaks open softly when Kongpob pushes it open. Arthit is peacefully nestled under the covers, deep in sleep and even though Kongpob wishes that his boyfriend was awake so that he didn't have to endure the chaotic mess of thoughts in his head, it didn't make sense to disturb the older male's sleep. Kongpob sits down on the edge of the mattress and stares at the wall opposite, willing for the fatigue to melt away. It's bone-deep exhaustion tinged with heavy regret, a feeling that would stay with him even after this passes.

There's a soft rustling sound and a sleepy, ''Hey, you're home. There's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry. Do you want me to heat them up?''

Kongpob twists around and is greeted with his boyfriend's sleep-addled smile, ''It's okay, p'. I'll do it later. I'm sorry I got home late.'' He tries to smile, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

Arthit's observant enough to know that something has happened and he moves into a sitting position, scooting closer towards the younger male, ''Did something happen at work, Kongpob?'' At the male's silence, Arthit shifts until he's seating next to the other, resting a hand on the male's knee. ''What's wrong? You're scaring me.''

Kongpob finally raises his head and Arthit's heart clenches painfully at how lost he looks, like he's struggling to ground himself.

''My first lieutenant committed suicide today.''

''Oh god...Kongpob.'' Arthit breathes out, and he immediately pulls Kongpob into a tight hug, winding his arms around the younger male's waist.

He strokes Kongpob's hair and says nothing, allowing his boyfriend to bury his face against the crook of his neck.

''He wrote a letter. Said that it wasn't our fault that he took his own life and that his family problems were becoming too much for him to bear.'' Kongpob clutches at Arthit tighter like he's the only lifeline that's keeping him afloat for now. ''I should have noticed. Why didn't I notice, p'Arthit?'' The anguish that Kongpob's been keeping at bay finally breaks through and Arthit feels the material of his shoulder starting to dampen. I knew that he was going through a rough patch after the divorce, I should have done something more-''

SOTUS: The Forgetful Boyfriend (And Other Oneshots)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz