Driving Me Crazy (Bright x Rome Oneshot)

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For the lovely LaceyRay who so nicely offered to help me with the cover of Make The Best Of It" 💕 Thank you so much and here's your present, as promised 🌸 Also, do check out her SOTUS x Lovesick crossover and other stories too people 🌟


This whole being a boyfriend thing was a fairly new experience for Bright. Yeah, sure, he's dated girls before. Fooled around occasionally, a hookup here and there. But an actual honest-to-god relationship?

Definitely a first.

You know what they say: There's always a first time for everything. Like the first time Bright found out in science class in middle that that it was a really bad idea to fill a condom up with water. Or that one time when he thought it had been a great idea to swap Toota's swimwear with someone's else.

Man, Toota in a swimsuit one size smaller was something he never wanted to see again. Well, yeah, you get the idea.

Bright's phone buzzed noisily with an incoming call, Rome's name flashing on the screen. Five months. Five months and it still amazed him that the younger male was with someone like him.

Yeah, Bright's been graced with wonderful genes which has contributed to his dashingly handsome looks (ahem), but he knew his personality left little to be desired at (certain) times.


"Hey, babe." Bright's happiness morphed into concern when he heard Rome's nasal greeting. "I'm going to ask something stupid. You don't sound like it, but are you alright?"

A loud sneeze, followed by a hacking wet cough.

"No wonder your friends call you a genius, P'." Rome remarked sarcastically, blowing his nose noisily into a piece of tissue. "But no, I'm not alright. Does a clogged nose, watery eyes and feeling like there's a hundred of you driving me crazy sound 'alright'? I'm generally feeling like utter crap. I don't think I can make it for our date tomorrow. Sorry, P', but I'll make it up to you once I'm better."

Rome, Bright found out, could be quite the sassy boy beneath his shy and reserved exterior.

"Hey! I am a genius...with a GPA of 3.0." Rome chuckled hoarsely over the phone. "Don't worry about the date. Do you want me to come over?"

Cough.Sneeze.Blow into a tissue.

"No, it's fine, P'Bright. You're meeting your friends tonight, right? I went to the doctor earlier on and got some medicine. It should clear up in a day or two."

They chatted for awhile over the phone, Bright trying his best to lift his boyfriend's spirits up. As soon as they ended the call, Bright shot off a quick message telling his friends that he wouldn't be able to join them at Knot's house to watch the football game later on.

Armed with food, he made his way over to the dorm building the younger male was staying at. Bright knocked on the door and when it seemed like Rome wasn't going to answer the door (probably to avoid whoever it was), he knocked again.Louder.

"P'Bright? I thought you went out to meet P'Arthit and the rest?"

"You're right. You do look like crap." Bright skillfully ignored the little punch aimed his way. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you alone while you're sick? I brought soup."

"You brought soup?" Rome repeatedly, clearly not falling for it.

Bright stepped into the apartment and toed off his ratty sneakers, "Okay, fine. It's actually instant soup. None of the shops were open and this was all I could find at the convenience store." He stared down at his boyfriend. "What? You're not going to give your boyfriend a kiss?" He tapped at his cheek with the tip of his finger.

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