Man Of My Dreams (Kongpob x Arthit)

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Note: This was inspired by the army uniform Kongpob wore during the GMMTV outing.

Let me just say that I know nuts about the military and I did some background research for this oneshot, but do forgive me if you stumble upon any inaccuracies.

Enjoy 💖

When Arthit steps into the office, he can immediately sense that something isn't right. First of all, everyone's actually at their desks doing actual work, the unorganized files that's been sitting on the shelves have actually been sorted in alphabetical order and the noise level has somehow plummeted significantly. Everyone in the department looks terribly constipated for some reason.

Then again, whoever that's working in the Ministry of Defence are always permanently constipated expression wise. Arthit's been at his job as a Content Technology executive for close to three years now, so he knows how hectic it can get.

"Did I miss anything while I was away on course?" He asks his colleague Knott, stumped when he sees that someone had actually gone to the trouble of organizing his desk for him. "What the hell happened here?"

"Remember the huge project that the Planning department took on? Since it involved the Thai army, they're sending someone down to do the necessary arrangements for liaising and stuff. I'm guessing it's a huge deal since they're sending a Second Lieutenant over. Heard he's the one in-charge of the entire thing."

"A Second Lieutenant?" Arthit half-whispers, not wanting to break the sacred silence which has overtook the department. "Don't they have a project team or whatsoever to deal with this stuff? Why would a 2LT waste his time with commoners like us?"

Knott shrugs both his shoulders, chair creaking when he leans back, "Word has it that this project is his pet. Explains why he'd take the time to come down personally to make sure that our guys don't fuck it up."

The atmosphere remains terse throughout the entire morning, but Arthit pays it no mind and forgets all about the 2LT's visit since he's got a lot to catch up on after being away for three days. If anything, he appreciates the rare peace and how well-behaved his colleagues are. Not that they aren't on most days, but considering the stressful nature of their jobs (working for a goverment company and all), conversations are usually punctuated with swearing and graphic mentions of violence.

"Guys, holy shit!" Someone from the IT Audit section skids in. "It's not a Second Lieutenant! It's a lieutenant!" Everyone breaks out into murmurs and exaggerated moans of why upon knowing that it's someone of even higher rank, and those who are supposed to work closely with said person are already feverishly sweating.

Granted, it's not a Captain or anything, but to have a lieutenant oversee a project was daunting enough since they usually had other people doing it for them.

"This is the most excitement we've had in awhile." Knott's the only one unaffected by the news since his team isn't involved in the project at all (lucky him).

There's a sudden flurry of activity with everyone scrambling to get their shit together and Arthit's grateful that he doesn't have to sit it on the meeting since his manager was going in his place instead. Leaves him with more time to tie up some loose ends and reply to the seventy odd emails in his Outlook.

An hour after the meeting has commenced, there's whispers of, "They're here!" and apparently, everyone's definitely of acting natural is to stare at their computer screens with their backs ramrod straight. Arthit goes back to crafting his perfectly polite e-mail response to a specific jackass in Human Resource, barely paying attention to whatever that's going on around him.

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