I See Red

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How can I love you when your heart is elsewhere,
I thought you'd left her but she's always been there
Right when I thought you were over with the old,
You proved I was wrong and that the past was always gold
When I'd finally warmed up and repeated was one thought,
That's when it crashed down, that's when we fought
Right when I thought I could finally be happy,
You chose the exact moment to be untrustworthy
When I look at you now all I see is red,
For now you've shown me how thoughts are better left unsaid
I thought we were stars, together a constellation,
But my vision had blurred and there was complication
When I look into your eyes all I see is red,
Every passing moment is seemingly dead
I won't ever feel the same without goosebumps dotting my skin,
I won't overlook the memories and together what we've been
When I utter a word to you, all I taste is blood,
My vision has blurred and my thoughts are a flood
When I feel your very presence, the smell of gunpowder drains the air,
All I see is madness, everywhere
When I look back at the old and the things I've said,
When I look into your eyes all I see is red.


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